Have you experienced such? In my 10 years as a JW I never saw anyone partake, JW or otherwise. The last annointed in my town died about 15 years ago or so. About 3/4 of the memorial talk was dedicated to explain why only very few should partake, and in several occasions it was stated bluntly "noone present should be partaking of the emblems" just to avoid confusion. It would have been funny to see a non-JW walk in and eat/drink. I can only imagine the looks on the JWs faces
Non-JW partaking of the emblems
by teel 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Many years ago a witness family had their non witness grandmother visit from England, around the time of the memorial, she attended and yes she drank the wine, it caused alot of gossip in the congo, I thought it was really funny.
First of all, it doesn't matter, because they are not counted as partakers.
Secondly, I do not find that funny at all. It is mocking what is the deep and sincere belief of others, and I do not think that is a thing to do. I would never have attended Mass and taken part in it only to make my friends laugh afterwards, and I would never have attended a Pentacostalist meeting and started speaking intongues just for the fun of it. I think one should respect the Memorial and not use it as an occasion for making fun of others.
Yes OldHippe, you are perfectly right, I myself would not do it either. However I would not dress up like these guys either, but I still find it funny. However I didn't mean someone who deliberately make fun of the ceremony, but one who didn't understand he shouldn't be eating.
It is mocking what is the deep and sincere belief of others, and I do not think that is a thing to do.
Nonsense. The sincere misguided belief of others is what needs correction not some assumption that we are mocking them. How do you do that? Is this done by following their error and supporting it like sheep or is it done by being obedient to the Christ that we are supposed to be serving as disciples? What is more important, someones emotions or truth? They do not care about your emotions when they shun you or abuse you in other ways. When they see that you do not drop dead, maybe some will snap out of their stupor.
Now they may retaliate or ignore you but that again is their error not yours. Was Jesus correct when he said: john 6:53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you? Is this right? Then who are we to ignore this command or call it mocking? Who do we obey? There are no extenuating circumstances that change these words. For this same Jesus said: Mt 10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. So do not partake at your own peril. If being disobedient to our Lord so as not to offend them suggested now as the right thing to do well then we deserve what we will get in the judgment.
Sorry OldHippe I didn't make myself clear I do that sometimes don't read what I type before posting, I meant that I thought those gossiping and how they behaved was a great laugh. I felt sorry for the old dear.
Joseph, it's not about we should ignore the Bible just so that some people would not be offended. Jesus didn't say that you have to partake of the emblems at the JW memorial. In my mind it's just a weird religion's man made ritual that has nothing to do with Jesus' command, and that's that. Compare to this: JWs don't take part of nationalistic rituals, say saluting the flag. But they don't mock the flag saluters (I mean as a group). Or in the Bible Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego didn't worship the erected statue, but they did show up and just stood there doing nothing.
Deputy Dog
I know of a nonJW that partakes every year.
Jesus didn't say that you have to partake of the emblems at the JW memorial.
It is not a JW memorial. It is a commandment of our Lord that the JW's are trying to observe like this one: Lu 22:19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. All scriptures apply regardless of which denomination or cult is practicing it.
I did not, Malik, mean that you should not discuss or critizise or whatever - but that people should be left alone when performing ceremonies that are solemn to them, and that such ceremonies are not the circumstances during which one should try to interrupt or disturb them. I do not think is a particularly good way of starting a discussion.