it takes 2 tries... you have to open then go back and open after the error page....
Where Are You From?
by finallysomepride 224 Replies latest jw friends
Also press f5 when trying to open your pms
Found Sheep
i don't understand F5 Mouthy?
I did get to them. It's been a long time since anyone has pm'd me, but I'm persistent.
still thinking
LOL Azazal....that was crack up!!!
Welcome good to see more new people on here...finallysomeprid...we might need to rename this the welcome thread!!!
still thinking great that you have joined us...this is a great place to find things out, vent, make friends or just have a laugh. Just in time for Christmas too. Yay!!!
Welcome to Wolfman85...I see you have been here a little while, but this is the first post of yours I have seen....Look forward to hearing more from you.
Think About It
The great state of Alberta, in Canada.
Think About It
Thank you very much still thinking!!!
bay area
still thinking
you're welcome wolfman85!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...LOL
ooooooh ANOTHER welcome....YAY!!!!! Hi atrapado