Currently I live in Arkansas, USA, but I have lived in many different loctions.
Where Are You From?
by finallysomepride 224 Replies latest jw friends
Freemont California.. Boise Idaho.. Palms Springs California..
the last 20 years in Boise Idaho again
i live in maryland....GO RAVENS!!!!!
albert Einstein, did you know that albert taught in PRAHA at the turn of the century?I was there in 1041.
dazed but not confused
Colorado 8 yrs. Moved from Washington state where I was born and raised along the Columbia River... I miss being there from time to time.
How does one update their status to add the flag? I am from Central British Columbia Canada.
on the rocks
Most of you guys from States, Canada,Australia and England............I am from Mumbai, India!
LoisLane looking for Superman
>>>>>>>>Hello On The Rocks,
I did not know we had anyone here from Mumbai, India. Are you on a work assignment, or is that where you were born and raised?
Wow. Ghandi's home and museum. Nice.
Just Lois
LoisLane looking for Superman
>>>>>>>Hello and Welcome Speargrass
Just Lois