...if you check out a female co-worker from behind? According to a harassment class I attended for work it is. And if I see a co-worker doing this I'm obligated to report him to an HR representative. I thought of this yesterday as I walked past a really attractive HR representative who was wearing white, see-through pants and a thong. She was bent over at the time. Should I have turned myself in on the spot?
Is it sexual harassment...
by keyser soze 129 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
That's ridiculous.
As a female I don't think its harrassment. If I was looking at someone thinking 'nice' and they looked at me I would probably look away quickly. I think it would be harrassment if you started to make lewd remarks or suggestive face/body language.
If so, I'd have to report all men I know!!
I've been told that if there is an established pattern of greater than 2 second looks and roving elevator eyes, that is sufficient grounds for sexual harassment.
I work in education and here, there is absolutely no tolerance. It is one of the things that, after an investigation, you can immediately get fired for with no redress.
Therefore, I practice a standing policy of never being alone in an office with women for any length of time greater than a couple of seconds and if I have business with them for any longer time than that, I take it to a public area.
I've been told that if there is an established pattern of greater than 2 second looks and roving elevator eyes, that is sufficient grounds for sexual harassment.
We were given similar info at a seminar that we were required to attend. It didn't go to the lengths of telling people to turn other people in though. They basically said that anything that can be construred as "looks" or "elevator eyes" can be subject to being treated as sexual harrasement. We kinda pish-poshed it ourselves but the instructor said that it was a company protection and the rules are strict so that if a problem does arise the company is protected by policy and can maybe avoid lawsuits.
Not that it actually happens in practice. It's like many other work place rules that are routinely broken. No porn email...porn is emailed as much as some work email. No alcohol in the work place...we got booze all over the place. No smoking at the docks...cigarette butts everywhere. No personal use of company vehicles...company trucks are used every weekend for various reasons. Similar with what some people might consider sexual harrassment. People make comments, people tell dirty jokes, guys leer at tight jeans and open blouses, a couple of girls flirt with the guys. But it only takes one person to feel harrassed and bam! lawsuit.
keyser soze
That's ridiculous.
Even more ridiculous is their believing that any guy would actually turn in another guy for this. I actually snickered out loud when I heard this.
There is nothing wrong with looking. It's when you say out loud " oh baby bring that butt over here" that women get pissed.
keyser soze
It's when you say out loud " oh baby bring that butt over here" that women get pissed.
We actually had a gay guy in our department a few years back who would do this to the male co-workers. When some complained to the female supervisor, she did nothing. Zero tolerance only applies to certain people, I guess.