DubR ,
Thanks for your comments, and yes, to my misfortune I’m an active elder. I didn’t have the courage to leave this religion (cult) when I had the chance.
As I mentioned on my post, my opinions are just that…opinions. If my line of thought appeared weak or illogical, I accept that. Unlike some JW, I’m ok standing up to scrutiny and criticisms.
I also mentioned that it was not my intention to argue for or against the existence of a Creator. You have your reasons for not believing in God and/or for having no feelings towards Him. Again, that is your right. This is an open forum, and I expressed my ideas respectfully.
Scientists have to really on books based on studies, findings and conclusions reached by man. Which are subject to changes and adjustments. The Bible is not a science book, is a book of faith and spirituality, a guide for those who choose to live by its code. The same way that the Bible has been used to justify atrocities against fellow men in the name of God, the theory of Evolution has been used to justify genocides in the name of race superiority.
Science is not God’s enemy. I’m all for science, for example, Einstein’s theory of Relativity helped to determine that the universe is still expanding. Meaning that the universe had a starting point, that’s what we know as the “Big Bang” theory. The Big Bang theory sounds a lot to me like the creation account in Genesis. Science helped me to change my stance regarding what I believed to be one of God’s commandments for Christians, to abstain from blood transfusion. Through science I learned that blood is not a liquid but a tissue (or an organ), that a blood transfusion is not the same as eating blood (due to the way that the body process blood in the digestive system). So, if science proves beyond reasonable doubt that there is no Creator and/or that the flood (regional or global) never occurred, I’ll be the first one burning my bible and in line to worship the flying spaghetti monster.
TJLibre is moving on. Peace!