Ray Franz: destroying personal files of dfed

by compound complex 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Karl Adams, Writing Department overseer, wrote a letter to President Knorr (November 18, 1971), questioning the keeping of voluminous files containing embarrassing information on disfellowshipped persons. Even after individuals were reinstated, their files were retained:

    "At the present time the names of even those reinstated are kept in the file, and bulky records are kept of their cases, labeled 'Do no destroy.' It seems tantamount to saying: 'We believe you are forgiven, but we are keeping a record of your sin.' Or like saying, 'Your sins are washed clean but we are storing the dirt in a jar with your name on the label.'"

    Decades later the practice continues.

    IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM, by Ray Franz, p. 324, footnote 22.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Yup. Just gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling doesn't it?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I bet mine is thicker than any of the hearts of the men who keep such files.


  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Aren't they just employee progress reports for the Corporation ?

  • BabaYaga
    I bet mine is thicker than any of the hearts of the men who keep such files.


    Touche'! Let's hope their eyes (and hearts too) might be opened, Dear Jeff!

    What a creepy practice, Dear CoCo. Gives one the willys now, no? I find it particularly odd that they keep such huge files on those who have doubts about the teachings (even though the teachings are constantly in flux!) and yet... they do NOT protect the congregation nor the community from pedifiles. Seems the "bulky records" do not even perform the one possible good that they could do.

  • minimus

    It's wonderful to be remembered!

  • JWoods

    Wonder if this letter made it to Karl Adams' file? Betcha it raised some eyebrows during the walking of Ray Franz down the plank.

  • AllTimeJeff

    After I turned in my resignation/I am now an apostate letter, I wavered for a couple of days, and the elders marched in. We had a tearful meeting.

    I asked if it was possible to take back my letter? They said that they had to keep it on file.

    Final nail in coffin, once I stopped crying that is. I wasn't going to let them have anything over me. I was reminded why I needed to blow up my bridge back in the first place.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    They said that they had to keep it on file.

    What a convoluted practice to begin with! No shepherd of hearts would consider the record keeping of wrongdoing [no matter it's definition] to fit his philosophy of 'forgiveness' and 'imitation of the Christ' would he?

    These selfsame 'shepherds' are the same that would hide a murderer from justice in the courts? Or a pedophile from the same? OMG, when one begins to peel the onion back, the revelations are painful to recount.

    Godly people? Hardly.


  • AllTimeJeff

    AKJeff, the elders told me that very awkwardly, as if they wished they could just pretend it never happened. But with the CO knowing, it was too late.

    I knew that too, I was just so emotional at that time, and in so much pain for the road I had just embarked upon, that for a moment, I wanted to take it all back and be like it was.

    Thankfully, that passed. I am glad they kept the letter, maybe it will do some good one day...

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