Did you ever think it may relate in a spiritual sense? Why is Babylon the Great called the harlot? How many religions or the priests/etc, WHORE themselves, their blessings, and services, for MONEY!
Male and Female temple prostitutes
by ssn587 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
you are right there aren't many but the WTS has made itself the biggest WHORE, with the G/B being the biggest culprits
I understood your question to be related to the use of the term "temple" when the writer logically should have been using the term "sanctuary" during the earlier periods.
Or the writer could have simply been talking about the prohibition on prostitution (or whoring around) and homosexuality (sodomite) as the 47 scholars of the KJV agreed. The term "temple" does not occur in the original text, but is a modern addition. So, suggesting that the term "sanctuary" would be better and then going on from there to use this as a basis for suggesting the writers were not concerned with accuracy seems to be a series of left turns off the straightest path.