...Hunting Fat People for Big Buck$...

by OUTLAW 11 Replies latest social current


    LIMA (Reuters) - Peruvian police said on Thursday they had broken up a gang that allegedly killed dozens of people and sold their fat to buyers who used it to make cosmetics.


    Four Peruvians were arrested on suspicion of kidnapping, murder and trafficking in human fat.

    The group stored the fat it collected in used soda and water bottles, which police showed reporters.

    "We have people detained who have declared and stated how they murdered people with the aim being to extract their fat in rudimentary labs and sell it," said Police Commander Angel Toldeo.

    In addition to those taken into custody, police said they were searching for others who bought fat from the gang or might have worked with it.

    Remains from some of the victims were found at a rural house in the region of Huanuco where the group worked, according police video.

    Police said they were investigating 60 disappearances in the area that might be linked to the gang.

    The investigation started this month after police heard about a shipment of fat that arrived in Lima by bus from Peru's mountains.

    (Reporting by Carlos Valdez and Terry Wade; editing by Todd Eastham)

    This is a Photo..

    Of the Gang Leader

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • creativhoney

    I wish someone would steal my fat and make it into make up for me.

    its a great concept. skinny and beautiful all in one. !!! LOL



    They don`t just steal your fat..

    They kill you,then Process you..

    I tried to get an After picture of the girl in the Photo..

    She lost all that wieght..

    Now she`s a frigg`n Knock-out!..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • AllTimeJeff

    Oh lawd!

    Well, besides being a guy, this is a good reason for me not to wear makeup....

  • AwSnap

    I was looking on photobucket for that picture but Outlaw beat me to it!!!

  • trueblue
  • Robdar

    It would be like hunting in a baited field if they came to Kansas City. Kansas City is an ass farm.

  • SixofNine

    Adding another level of depravity to the already disgusting evil of this story, is the fact that human fat can be purchased from liposuction patients/doctors.

  • restrangled

    Before I went under emergency surgery, I asked the doctor to cut out any extra fat he could.

    I woke up and it was still all there....(damn it) He said I was just fine. (Baloney....there had to be an xtra 10lbs where he opened me up)

    Hell, I would have given it away for free!


  • restrangled

    One more thing,

    Is anyone starting to feel crazy watching that fat girl ad getting thin next to all the posts? Or is that just on my computer?


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