There was a time when I liked her. I lost interest over the years. We she started giving air time to everybody with an axe to grind or a sob story I stopped watching. She pushed me over the edge when she had on the female air force officer that got drummed out of the service for having an affair with an enlisted man. She and the audience were all crying about how mean the air force was. If I'd been in the audience I would have stood up and asked her when she was having the airman's wife and two kids on the show.
There is a God or Hell Froze Over. You Choose.
by Robdar 21 Replies latest social entertainment
i HATE it when noise is mistaken for news!!!
who, iin the big picture called life, gives a
rat's rear end about a television show!?!?!another "there is a God" vote.
What? You mean you didn't wonder what could be causing all that mooing coming from the west coast region?