Through a Darkened Pane

by compound complex 730 Replies latest social entertainment

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Recently I have been at a loss for words, more so the written rather than spoken.

    Nothing will connect and tie together. Exploding willy-nilly are life's loose ends, resisting all my exasperated efforts at making neat bundles of each day's chaos. I am ineffective in my brave attempt to assign homey, comforting labels to my intangible thoughts and feelings; those tags feign to reassure my slipping mind. Putting them - my life - in order.

    Today's walk in the clouds - slow and contemplative - has put me onto a plane of first class comfort, permitting the accumulation of several days' stress to release and fly away. The barriers thrown up in my skull (where my lowered levels of thought spark away, but tepidly so) for too many hours now have dropped, their lowered weirs allowing fresh ideas to flow, discoveries to flood and break open the dark barricades that jail my heart.

  • musky

    Hello CoCo, I appreciate your thoughts.Whether a continuation of your story,or just a quick hello.

    I hope you have a good evening.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey there, Musky!

    I was at an impasse, so I went on a walk and stared at the house for a long time. Now that I know who the lurkers are, I can get on with my loose threads of thought.

    I'm glad you stopped by.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Billy is deeper on the inside than the simple and commonplace boyish bravado that the outside would suggest. Lying serenely and strangely camouflaged in a high but maintained carpet of green, Billy, lying on his belly, chin cupped upon his thumbs and fingers interlaced like the proverbial church of human digits, looks intently across the asphalt toward 248.

    He's thinking about his best pal, whom he doesn't see outside as often as he would like. As they both would like. The two boys formed a bond instantly when the Tobiases moved in down the street some 8 years earlier and the boys looked upon each other for the first time. At this moment they are looking at each other ...

    Separated only by a pane of glass.

    Andy gazes purposefully through his pane, knowing he has connected visually to his peer, not the odd, casual school acquaintance, but to one whose spirit is kindred to his own. He holds up his right hand and splays his fingers against the glass. The heat of his hand against the cool glass traces in steamy outline their secret code of friendship, loyalty, love ...

    Billy, fully aware of this signal's meaning, returns a like gesture, placing hand firmly against the air to meet that solidly against glass. Leaning hard upon his left elbow, trunk twisted to that side, Billy's arm remains fully extended, motionless, as his taut, leonine body continues ensconced in the green.

    The friends talk, but it is in their linked minds that communication proceeds. Neither too spare nor too many are the thoughts shared. Enough said, nothing in excess. A mere few minutes contain the unspoken text of the meaningful sharing of what is upon each one's heart and mind. Hands pull away and the electricity cuts out. Billy winds slowly upward, eyes still locked into those of Andy.

    Simultaneously, as a precisely executed ritual, both their visceral and visual connection breaks. Each turns to his right, Billy upon the crushed velvet of summer grass, Andy upon aged and cracking green linoleum.

  • ziddina

    Ho, Ho!!! CoCo, I missed that story of the depressed writer who jumped UP - earlier! Hilarious!

    And very fitting, 'cause I was just thinking about putting another one of my rejection letters in here...:

    From "Creators Syndicate...

    Dear Creator:

    Thank you very much for your recent submission.

    We would like to respond personally to every submission received, but the volume of material is prohibitive. This is not an indication of the time and consideration devoted to your work, but merely our desire to respond as quickly as possible.

    Regrettably, our editorial board has decided we are unable to distribute your material at this time. Please understand that this does not reflect on your talents but rather on our needs at present.

    Because the cost of launching a new feature is so high, only a few of the thousands of submissions received each year by syndicates can be accepted.

    Nevertheless, we would encourage you to continue developing your work and feel free to submit new samples at any point in the future.

    Sincerely, Editorial Review Board, etc, etc...."

    Back to the drawing board!!! Zid

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Nevertheless, we would encourage you to continue developing your work and feel free to submit new samples at any point in thefuture.


    Gee, only a few out of thousands! Quel decouragement!

    Well, dear Ziddy, we're both of us in this together.

    Back to the drawing board, back to the keyboard!


  • ziddina

    Personally, I liked the part that read, "Please understand that this does not reflect on your talents but rather on our needs at present...."

    Which is very true. Point being, your talents are fine; my talents are fine. We just haven't found the market for them yet.

    Keep on keepin' on!!!

    Zid jk

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Keep up the good work, Ziddy!

    You're a fine example of determination.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Sally Anne.

    Rough and tumble, to be sure, but she's all little girl. At her tender age you'd think she was all about dolls and spanking white pinafores. And the like. She loves her coterie of dollies: some cry, others wet, but her simple, spineless dolls of cloth she loves best. Naturally, her confidante and best friend is Raggedy Ann. She, with her button eyes, keeps watch over her mistress as she frequently gets herself into scrapes. Especially those upon her already scarred knees.

    Though terribly young in the purely chronological sense, Sally is, nevertheless, a prescient child. She knows what's ahead, she knows her own mind. What she sees and wants, she gets. Invariably. Rather a good record in personal acquisitions for her brief time upon the planet.

    She goes to her bed to retrieve her supple, loosey-goosey companion. In the process, Sally scoops up Ann's erstwhile-off-to-sea brother and sailor, Andy. Raggedy Andy. Sally huddles the siblings close to her chest, warming them with her body's ever piping little furnace and ardent affection. After giving them both a good and apprising look square in their faces, Sally turns them around to face out her upstairs window pane along with her, she who casts a longing look to the pavement below.

    It is one of Andy Vincent's good days. He's out riding his bicycle, weaving up and down between the slope of sidewalk and asphalt. Sally sighs as she ponders her hero's two-wheeled acrobatics. Gazing downward upon the sailor's hat atop the red yarn of a mop, Sally wistfully coos into the little sailor's burning ear:

    "Do you want me to get you your very own bicycle, too, Raggedy Andy Vincent?"

  • snowbird

    I love your artwork, CoCo.

    I'm still in the recovery stage from dental work.

    More later.


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