
by BlackSwan of Memphis 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    When we were JW's we 'volunteered' our time to help others learn the 'truth'.

    In what ways do you volunteer your time now that you are out and are free to help others as you see fit?

  • Finally-Free

    I tried volunteering for a while but found personal things were falling by the wayside. Now that I'm divorced there's no one to share the household chores with. Combine that with a bad back, and I'm just glad to get the basics done these days.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    This is true, keeping things balanced can be difficult. I'm sorry about your back That can make life difficult, very difficult.

  • Plummet

    I have been adopted by another family and I volunteer much of my time helping around their house.

    I have also Volunteered at a Homeschooled Youth Debate group, that was quiet fun. Have learned a lot from them. These kids are the brightest and most polite young people I have ever met. For most of them, their public speaking skills are far above JW youth that I know.

    Getting ready to volunteer to help set up a couple Community Christmas Displays at the end of this month, looking forward to that.

    I am just trying my hardest to break out of my shell and meet new people and try new things. I lost everything this summer/fall, friends, family, my wife, my home and lot of my stuff. I spent many years before this depressed and this was and still is, a bad blow for me.

    I read it somewhere but I thought it appropiate for my life "All of the people I know that are perpetually unhappy are those that jump from one self-help program to the next. The problem is not with themselves, it is with their focus. Self-self-self. If they spent that time volunteering in their comunity or helping their friends and family, they would be much more content."

    So with that in mind I started and I am starting to feel a little better.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I read it somewhere but I thought it appropiate for my life "All of the people I know that are perpetually unhappy are those that jump from one self-help program to the next. The problem is not with themselves, it is with their focus. Self-self-self. If they spent that time volunteering in their comunity or helping their friends and family, they would be much more content."

    I really like this statement. I think I may print it out and put it on my refrigerator. I know someone, who happens to live with me, and uhm, happens to be my mil, and well is perpetually unhappy and cannot for the life of her figure out why. And we know why.

    Her entire existence is solely about her own happiness. It's about her all the time. We have tried to encourage her to volunteer at various places like maybe a hospital or maybe the nursing home where she rehabbed from her broken hip, to no avail. Yes, she is physically able to.

    It sounds like you are so totally on teh right track Plummet!! Tell me more about the HS group. How did you get involved with this? It sounds really interesting.

    I'm so sorry that you've lost so much.

  • bohm

    When I finnish my study as a nurse, I hope to go to Africa with Doctors Without Borders, and help people in need.

    Untill then I just try to bee kind and helpful towards people in my daily life...

    Love, Miss Bohm

  • blondie

    Union treasurer

    United Way support group facilitator

    Teach English as a Second Language (ESL)

    Does doing WT Comments count?

  • AGuest

    Unlawful detainer and smalls claims court mediator (Contra Costa and Alameda counties)

    Youth, family, small business, and community mediator (San Mateo and Santa Clara counties)

    Rent Board Commissioner

    Grant writer, marketing media developer and human resources advisor for a Sacramento organization that povides drug/alcohol counseling, mental illness therapy, anger management, and now job skills training... for youth age 16-23

    I bid you all peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Joshnaz

    I lived on the streets for about nine months. During that time the Community Outreach Center helped me out alot. I was able to donate a trunk load of Turkeys and food to them this year, and I was really proud to do so! I reccommend everyone to just look at their website. www.pazdecristo.org I also help out my neighbors who are elderly and volunteer for Neighborhood watch programs.

  • zoiks

    Nothing yet as I'm still trying to escape, and I have tons of responsibilities, family and otherwise. But I do look forward to doing something to help others, whether in a seasonal or long-term capacity.


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