Bad Press Casting Shadow Over The Watchtower! DISTURBING CONTENT

by koolaid-man 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • koolaid-man

    Are the Jehovah's Witnesses beginning to snap under the pressure of their involvement with the Watchtower Organization's teachings and policies? Many are being sent over the edge... Newspapers around the world are reporting heinous and evil acts that are connected to the Jehovah's Witness religion. All of this bad press is casting a dark shadow over the doorway at 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY. We will be discussing all the bad press connected to Jehovah's Witnesses on the Conference Call scheduled for Saturday, November 21, 2009 7PM EST. For more information as to how to get on the call, click the link below.


    Philip Garrido as photographed by El Dorado County, Calif. Sheriff's office, and taken Thursday, Aug. 27, 2009 after his arrest for the abduction and 18 year sexual abuse of an 11 year old girl

    Kelle Lee Jarka, a Murrieta man convicted of murdering his longtime wife and making the killing look like it was done by an intruder is scheduled to be sentenced Friday and faces a lifetime in prison with no chance of parole.

    Otty Sanchez, 33 year old woman charged with Capitol murder for killing her 3 week old baby.

  • JWoods

    Three murderers (if indeed Garrido was really JW) do not make a blip on the radar screen, considering the numbers of JWs.

    BTW, wasnt that 20/20 thing on Jarka reported to be at least a semi-fluff that lets him spout forth his innocence?

    Now, Jim Jones and Jonestown was BAD PRESS.

    I have a theory that today's media have this kind of P.C. total tolerance for weirdness - look at how quick they were to gloss over the ex-Mormon plural child marriage people.

  • lovelylil2

    There have been studies though that show that Jehovah's Witnesses have an unusually high rate of mental illness compared to the rest of society. Stress can cause mental illness or worsen the symptoms. I've had depression and PTS disorder my entire life but it was really bad when I was in the WT.

    Think about how negative that organization is. Also the stress of all the "works" you have to do and you never measure up to their ideals anyway. I had suicidal thoughts many times while in the WT but since leaving the WT 7 years ago, I have been much better. I am not on any meds right now except some herbal treatments and talking to a therapist.

    Also my daugther was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder when she was only 10, directly linked to being raised in the tower and not having any association outside of it. Once I started to let her associate more with peers from school, she was able to overcome it almost completely. She still has issues with this but is much better as well.

  • leavingwt

    Reports of Watchtower's demise have been greatly exaggerated.

    Get back to me when they stop killing babies. That is all.

  • WTWizard

    And eating babies.

    There simply is so much embarrassment these days with the witlesses. I would be totally embarrassed if I ever
    had to identify myself as one of Jehovah's Witlesses. They have a pattern of trouble that I think is only going to
    get worse, because they are recruiting mentally sick people more than they were earlier. Between the few that kill
    and eat babies, and the many more that simply molest them, and even more that physically and mentally abuse
    them, it's high time the religion be exposed for what it really is--devaluing the present life in favor of the future
    (which never comes).

  • koolaid-man

    Good comment WT.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Does anyone have a link that shows that any of these people, other than Jarka, are JWs?

    No Apologies

  • flipper

    NO APOLOGIES- I have a link on an article wich disclosed Phillip Garrido's wife ( also arrested for her part in kidnapping ) was definitely a Jehovah's Witness who tried converting Garrido while in prison. The link is : . Although by the time Garrido was finally caught he may have gone on to his own form of deluded ministry - but he started with the witnesses. Check it out.

    KOOl-AID MAN- I look forward to your program. I'll try to listen in. I do wish in Phillip Garrido's wifes case - that mainstream media would have reported more openly about her Jehovah's Witness connection. I believe Geraldo Rivera referred to Nancy Garrido's JW connection on network T.V. but I wish more news media would have referred to that point. I feel some of these networks were fearful of lawsuits , do you think ? I don't know

  • Saoirse

    I had no idea that Otty Sanchez was a JW! I could barely read the article about her crime without getting sick! PURE EVIL!

  • SirNose586

    I find it fascinating to see these stories accumulate. However, cases of JW crime do not a "shadow of bad press" make. How many people care? How interesting are these stories beyond the communities in which these crimes occurred, and the ex-JW communities such as this forum?

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