I had 3 or 4 conversations with the same JW lady at my door here in Cali. She was a clueful intelligent woman. On one visit I challenged her on the out of court settlements to child abuse victims. I wanted to know the church position on those settlements.
Her 1st reaction - to deny it had happened. My response - its an Associated Press article.
Her 2nd reaction - its Internet lies.
I invited her to check it out and get back to me.
To her credit she did come back, with another JW and a 5 year old girl, making any meaningful discussion on child abuse impossible. She acknowledged that what I said was true, bad apples in every bunch etc. I said in that case the bad apples were the WTS as the perps were already in prison, these settlements were a result of an impending trial where the defendants were going to be the WTS for institutionally protecting pedofiles and reappointing them in different congregations time and time again. I said I was disappointed that they had come to my door and yet I was more informed about their internal affairs than they were. It didn't seem right that her church was sending her out, her in all sincerity, unarmed with a basic response on a huge case that had taken place right here on our doorstep.
She didn't come back after that, which was a shame as I was enjoying our discussions - 607 was in the mix as well.....
So there you have it - some of the best publishers are totally unprepared.