In a recent Watchtower, the Paradise Earth doctrine and its "uniqueness" to Jehovah's Witnesses is discussed. I don't have a scan available at the moment but I may be able to obtain one.
What I wanted to bring your attention to is the paragraph discussing the Bible Students' teaching of a "Paradise Earth" under Pastor Russell's leadership. The article stresses that these Bible Students "knew" that "only a few would go to heaven".
This is a FLAT. OUT. LIE. Plain and simple.
Look up all you can find in the Proclaimers book on Pastor Russell, the Bible Students, and their understanding of the "little flock" versus the "other sheep" (or "Great Multitude"). It is ABUNDANTLY clear that CTR and co. NEVER taught that ONLY 144,000 would go to heaven. They simply believed that the 144,000 was a "special" heavenly class among many others who would ultimately have a heavenly destination. In fact, the Proclamers book states, clear as day, that the "Great Multitude" was understood by the B.S. as having a HEAVENLY hope! I quote page 166:
"Who make up this... Great Multitude? For years, even down till 1935... it was thought that they were a secondary heavenly class..." (Italics mine).
So my question is this: Is this latest crock'o'shit proof that the WT is getting a) careless, lazy, and sloppy, or b) bolder in their increasingly obvious deception? If b), are they doing it just to further alienate the fence-sitters? Or c) do you think they're still betting on the ever-deepening spiritual stupor of the average JW, assuming (hoping?) they'll never notice?
It just seems to me that lately they're really ramping up the BS and it's getting more and more transparent all the time...