We were taught you are just unconscience in a grave "hell". No burning fires or wonderful Heaven where all our dreams come true. I never feel like I am going to Heaven. Im not a bad person or anything.... It just seems as fake of an idea as living forever on earth now that I have my JW googles off. My best friend, also an exjw, felt the same as me, but she choose to take a bottle of Oxys becz she thought death sounded better than life, and she feared no "hell". Dead sounded peaceful she wrote in her final words. I have no idea where to think she is now. Think we pay for our actions somehow after death?
What do you think happens when you die?
by brainwashed-from-birth 54 Replies latest watchtower medical
Nothing, I do not believe in an after life. Our bodies decompose and that's it.
Very meaningless. So much crap....NO REWARD. That pisses me off.... Does that make you angry cantleave?
I don't know about cant'leave, but it makes me angry. However, I still don't feel it is enough for us to believe that there needs to be something after the grave. There MIGHT be something, yes, but we should take due note that many an abuser has used people's fear of death to control their lives. I have the feeling that many people who post here fell prey to some of those abusers, who kept talking to them about how they would be spared death. I find it terrible that some witnesses indeed have the hope that they will never die. I could not say the witnesses are the only ones who think so, but my impression is that accepting death as a FACT OF LIFE is one of the proofs of normal development.
We the worldlies realize that we will die when we're children. Our religions tell us that, yes, we will die, but we will be resurrected. I can't imagine a person growing up under the impression that he will "never grow old in this system of things". Of course, I am aware that this is one of the ways the WTBS is destructive, and I am aware that witnesses are not guilty for being brainwashed into this belief. But I regret its effects.
dead is dead....
not at the matinee or stuck in traffic
that is why it is imperative to make
the most of this one certain lifespan.... -
White Dove
I'm exploring the idea of reincarnation where a person goes to an inbetween place to recuperate and figure out, with their guide, what to reincarnate into again. Hey, it explains how we have instincts.
Im afraid Cantleave is right... But I would like to think there was more to come...!
Miss Bohm
In science we are taught energy cannot be destoryed or created just transformed from one type of energy to another. Our bodies have energy. When we die either the energy is dispersed into the universe or used to push up daisy's. Wheather we have some sort of consciences of this energy after our bodies expire is a question we wont know until we die.
White Dove
I'm with Josh on this one. But since it can't be created or destroyed, I am playing with the idea of reincarnation.