Can you and I make a difference?

by compound complex 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dissed


    You could set up a clinic to assist people to adjust to normal living after leaving mind control groups.

    With your background in the JW's, the experience you've gained from this site and your new education, you could earn a living and help 1,000's back to reality.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    The NWO did ... and they took it away :-(

  • Joshnaz

    If there is anything we can do together to bring down the WBTS than I'm in! We need to expose the dangers of this cult and make EVERYONE aware of it. Any suggestions?

  • dissed

    I think this site is doing a lot of good to aid those who are leaving the grips of the WTS Joshnaz. It is making a difference in a lot of peoples lives.

    Those leaving will no longer believe the lie, and their children will grow up free, and their childrens children will also be free. The cycle is being broken for untold 1,000's

  • chickpea

    be the change you wish to see in the world~~ghandi

    change is the essence of life... be willing to surrender what you are for what you can become~~ anon

    nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new beginning~~ maria robinson

    yeah, i think we can make a difference

  • SPAZnik

    I love that ghandi quote, chickpea. It's one of my favorites.

    Coco, great quote re change and making a difference.

    I'm finding that change and difference is achievable and possible at every moment.

    Whether a change or difference we perceive as positive is received by others the same way, and how negative ripple effects or off-shoots of change will be managed and handled, is another matter entirely. Evolution (change) seems really slow to me for this reason. But start small and the thing can be done.

    Ironically, all of this sort of talk reminds me of a quote about a mustard seed. :o)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    As a little kid, pre JW, I wanted to make a difference and help children who had been abused. Well the WTS made me take a huge detour in that one.

    As a JW I was always trying to make a difference, especially for the children. I was the one who organized family picnics after the Sunday meeting; the one to organize tours with the kids in the summer to various places, fire station, the zoo, museums, even a church where we got to point out how Satanic they were!

    After I left I went back to school to become a counselor not for the kids who were being abused but for the adults who had been abused. My goal was to make a difference in each person, one at a time. Then I did some guest lecturing, some media work about abuse issues, TV radio and newspapers and journals. Each one was my way of making a difference.

    Then I created my website Lee Marsh Recovery Page hoping to reach a few more people and over the years many have contacted me with thanks for it.

    Then I landed here. Since then I have written two cookbooks for JWD (not available at the present time), developed the Best of series, written letters to politicians, joined meetups in 2 cities, been a moderator, put toy lambs on Hall doors with letters about pedophiles, sent 3 lambs to the March on Brooklyn re pedophiles, put flyers about pedophiles in WT convention and Hall and cars of JWs warning them about the pedophiles in their midst, been interviewed by the media a couple of times and made countless posts here on JWD in the hopes that I can touch someone who need comfort support and hope.

    Now I'm not saying this to toot my horn. But there are so many different ways we can reach out to do something different, something that will make a difference not only in our lives but hopefully in the life of others. I've listed just a few. Even if all you do is leave the JWs and go on to lead a good happy life, that sends a message to those still in that maybe, just maybe a person can be happy as a free person.

    Do I believe one person can make a difference?

    You betcha

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Bless, you all, dear ones, for the wonderful place you've created here. Special thanks, naturellement, to Simon and Angharad ...

    A strange note on which to end this post, perhaps, but some who hurt me I, nevertheless, love and am indebted to.

    As to why ... that's another post.


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