i can hear them gloating and it anoys me

by highdose 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    i can imagine the covo over the tea and biscuits after the ministy, " did you hear about sister highdose?"..." shes gone apostate!"... " not surprised... she always looked the type you know! ... too intelligent by half... thought she was sooo celver!" . " i always suspected her! thought there was somthing not quite right, do you know what i mean?"

    I know this is what they will say because i've been there myself and heard them saying the same things about others. why dos this bother me so much???!!

  • acolytes

    As you Honestly wrote "You did it yourself"

    Maybe the doors you knocked were 90% gloating at you.

    So are you gloating now-Do you want support of those that gloated?

  • Newborn

    don't let that get to you dear...they don't deserve it...YOU KNOW they're wrong and that's also why it bothers us and we know it would be no use to ever reason with them...

    you'll probably never have to see or speak to them again

    let them be ignorant and have their share of "fun" (they are the ones who are in a stupid cult)

  • wobble

    It does surprise me how lying and viscous the rumours can be, and no one has the courage to speak with you face to face.

    If they had the truth they would be pleased to discourse with any person, apostate or not.

    The Truth is robust and cannot be proved false, it has nothing to fear. The Lie is weak and easily vanquished when it comes in contact with the Truth, so the GB would rather that JW's gossip about you ,and tell lies about you, to make themselves feel superior,rather than speak with you.

    This is because the Jehovah's Witness religion is The Lie.

    Dear Highdose, Please don't waste any time even thinking about them,they are not worthy of you.



  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Not to worry, highdose! I'm sure their biscuits will be hard and their tea will be weak.

  • Finally-Free

    This behaviour isn't unique to JWs. It happened to me before I joined the cult when I began to take part time courses to improve my employment prospects. It was the same shit; "FF's too good for us now!", "FF would rather study than drink and fuck with us." "FF's shit don't stink any more! He's white collar now!" Some of these "friends" even began to shun me.

    Self improvement is a great way to find out who your true friends are. Some will be supportive, some indifferent, and some will try to sabotage you. Just keep moving forward, and don't feel bad about shedding the excess baggage. JWs are almost always excess baggage.


  • Elsewhere

    What do you care what they think? Fck'em.

  • Twitch

    What do you care what they think? F

    Agreed. When their hold on you is over, you won't care what they think.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Any time you break up with somebody...they will bad mouth you. Thats the way people are. Misery loves company. I had been "in the world" until I was 30 and became a JW, and when I left the JWs at age 43, I had NEVER in my life heard so much bad mouthing, gossipping, back stabbing and hate come from a group of people as it did from the JWs...and mostly towards EACH OTHER which is even more deplorable.

    So pay it no mind...if you arent the target of their slander, someone else would be. They hate their lives and have nothing better to do than rip each other apart like animals in a cage.

  • Elsewhere

    Something that took awhile for me to learn about myself after leaving the WTS was the subtle unconscious tendency to be critical and judgmental of other people.

    This was a side effect of being in the WTS and I had to unlearn being judgmental.

    Once I stopped being judgmental of other people I found I cared less about how others might be judging me. Basically, I was worried about being judge as much as I, myself, was judging others.

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