Outnfree ---
Thanks so much for the full text .... your annotated version is hilarious!
I was very interested in the "proof texts" given in the article. I note that they didn't include the story of Naaman and Elisha from 2 Kings 5.
Do you remember the part where, after Naaman is healed of leprosy, he asks Elisha if it's ok if he continues to bow down in the temple of Rimmon because his master, who is leaning on his arm, bows down and he has to bow down, too? And Elisha says, go in peace.
Maybe next year the JW wife whose non-JW husband walks with a cane can go to midnight Christmas mass with him because he has to lean on her arm. Maybe she can even hold the candle for him when they sing "Silent night" <g>.
Thanks again for typing in the text of the article for me!