When did the new watchtower setup take effect?

by EndofMysteries 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    EndofMysteries ...

    I stand corrected.

    I thought you were referring to the confidential Watchtower Setup that occurred back in 1994.

    The one you were referring to (public vs. members only edition) is a more recent phenomina.

    Rub a Dub

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub
    I thought you were referring to the confidential Watchtower Setup that occurred back in 1994.

    can you elaborate?

  • pat1060

    Yes,please what is the confidential Watchtower Setup that occurred back in 1994.

  • isaacaustin

    Jan of 2009 is when it happened

  • WTWizard

    The first Showcase/Kool-Aid washtowels started with January 2008, just two years after they changed the Asleep! to one issue a month. What changed in 2009 was that they deleted one boasting session, segued it to two others, and shortened them up to make room for Family Waste the Evening Night.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    How can you tell difference between the insider Watchtower and the one they hand out to the public? Do they have different covers?

  • watson

    Rub a Dub....

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    i dont see the advantage of keeping this secret if you know?

  • yesidid

    Sorry yesidid; wrong! The first issue of the New Study Edition was January 15th , 2008

    Which was last year, doesn't time fly!

    Oh dear, I'm wrong again..........I hate being wrong all the time.


  • RubaDub
    i dont see the advantage of keeping this secret if you know?

    Zombie ...

    At least from my perspective, the Watchtower Setup is not and has never been a secret. It is just something that many of us would consider "being below the radar" of the R&F in general.

    I'm sure many in Bethel or at the Branch offices at that time could attest to that fact. Typically, it's more often a matter of what we are hearing and how we are conditioned to interpret it.

    When my uncle was in Bethel, throught his various assignments, he became fairly close to Lyman Swingle. Prior to his death, Bro Swingle often privately discussed the Watchtower Setup issue and how it should be interpreted. "Off the record", as he would often say, he indirectly said that some on the GB were in favor of having a full-blown Watchtower study article on the matter while others felt it was still something that needed further discussion within the upper levels of the organization before any final decision was made. I'm sure the Service Dept would not have allowed a study article to appear in the Watchtower unless all GB members were on board!

    Lyman was clearly on the side of discussing the article in the Watchtower but of course, in keeping with his position, would defer to the GB as a whole and point out that information would be presented at the appropriate time as needed.

    My uncle had discussed this with some in our family (particularly my father) but it was generally a discussion that occurred at the upper levels of the organization. You figure!

    So some of the questions will continue. But as far as a timeframe is concerned, the general consensus among those who were involved with the "new light," would position the new Watchtower Setup in the early fall of 1994.

    Rub a Dub

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