Elders are concerned basically about 2 things, 1) have you done something you could be df'd for, 2) have you missed hearing some "new light" or change in doctrine.
*** km 11/00 p. 3 Question Box ***
How can a person who has been inactive for a long time be helped to qualify again as a publisher of the good news?
When an inactive person gives evidence that he has a heartfelt desire to serve Jehovah, this is a cause for rejoicing. (Luke 15:4-6) Likely, the individual allowed opposition or pressures of life to crowd out his personal study, meeting attendance, and participation in the field ministry. How can personal assistance best be given so that he will make spiritual progress?
All of us should take the initiative to reassure this one of our genuine Christian love for him. The elders will be quick to assess his specific spiritual needs. (Jas. 5:14, 15)If the inactivity lasted for a short time, a helping hand from an experienced publisher might be all that is needed to reactivate the individual in the field service. However, if the inactive one has not associated with the congregation for a long time, more help will probably be necessary. To build up faith and appreciation, a personal Bible study in an appropriate publication may be advisable. In that case, the service overseer will arrange for a qualified publisher to conduct the study. (Heb. 5:12-14; see the November 1998 OurKingdomMinistry Question Box.) If you know of someone who needs such help, talk to the service overseer in your congregation.
Before inviting a longtime inactive one to share again in the ministry, it is advisable for two elders to meet with him to see if he qualifies as a Kingdom publisher. They will follow a procedure similar to that used when meeting with new ones who are seeking to qualify as publishers of the good news. (See the November 15, 1988, Watchtower, page 17.) The inactive one should have an earnest desire to share the good news with others. He also needs to meet the basic requirements outlined on pages 98-9 in the OurMinistry book and to be consistent in attending congregation meetings.
Having a good spiritual routine will do much to help the returning one to strengthen and maintain his precious relationship with Jehovah and to keep walking on the road to everlasting life. (Matt. 7:14; Heb. 10:23-25) His putting forth "all earnest effort" and developing Christian qualities that endure will prevent him from ever again becoming "inactive or unfruitful" as a Christian disciple.—2 Pet. 1:5-8.