A Sucker Bet , err, contract, to use on "End is Near" JWs

by Open mind 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    So I'm getting mentally ready for the big Un-Thanksgiving celebration our extended JW family is planning for this Friday. Turkey and all the fixings of course, but a day late, and WT-approved.

    Almost inevitably at our Big JW Family Gatherings (tm), someone will make a statement or observation along the lines of "Armageddon's SO CLOSE" or "we're in the last minutes of the last days", you know the drill. And, equally inevitably, someone with a bit more jaundiced eye to failed Watchtower predictions will make some qualifying statement that takes the urgency away. And then a rambling quasi-argument will ensue. It doesn't get too heated usually.

    So, here's what I was thinking about saying when Aunt Chicken Little makes her next prophecy of Armageddon's "Nearness".

    OM: So, Auntie Chicken Little, just how near is "near" in your mind?

    ACL: *Flustered that someone dares to not just nod and give a mindless amen. So she goes on the attack* "Well, OM, don't YOU think it's near? I mean that's what the Slave Class is telling us? Well, don't you?"

    OM: Oh, I'm sure if the Slave says it's near, it must be near, * * it's just when it comes to words that refer to the passage of time, people often have different ideas as to exactly what they mean.

    ACL: So what do you think "near" means then?

    OM: Well, I suppose it could mean next month, but with the new understanding of "generation", it could be 100 years from now.

    ACL: Oh no it could not!

    OM: Are you sure about that?

    ACL: Of course I am. There is no way that this world can.....(blah, blah, wars, crime, morals, pollution, blah, blah).... continue on that long without Jehovah stepping in.

    OM: Hmmm. OK. Now I know the Watchtower has learned not to go setting any definite year for the end to come, but, in your mind is there a DECADE that you would say Armageddon will be here by? (This is deceptive, I know, because if you commit to a decade, you're still committing to a year, but math and logic isn't exactly ACL's strong suit)

    ACL: Well, it's not for me to say.

    OM: Well, actually ACL, you already did imply that Armageddon will be here no later than the year 2109, one hundred years from now. Remember? Do you still think that's accurate?

    ACL: Yes. There's no way this system will go on another 100 years.

    OM: Okay. Well how about 50? Is there any way this system will still be around in 2059?

    ACL: No. I just can't see that happening.

    OM: How about 40?

    ACL: I know where you're going with this and I'm not going to make a prophecy when the F&D Slave won't either!

    OM: Okay, okay. But you're still sure it will be here by 2059?

    ACL: Yes.

    OM: Are you sure enough to give up the house you inherited from your long-deceased, affluent, non-JW husband?

    ACL: What?

    OM: Your house. If you're POSITIVE that Armageddon will be here by 2059, then you should have no problem signing over the deed to it, effective January 1, 2059. Or, are you REALLY that sure?

    ACL: That's ridiculous! Besides, Christians aren't supposed to gamble!

    OM: Oh, I agree. That's why I won't be offering anything in return if you end up being right. Wouldn't want to be betting. No, it would just be a unilateral contract. A demonstration of just how strong your faith is that Armageddon will be here by 2059.

    ACL: This is ludicrous. I'm doing no such thing!

    OM: Okay, okay, ACL. Don't get all upset. I was just trying to get you to see things from the perspective of a young JW.

    ACL: What?

    OM: When people make statements that GUARANTEE that Armageddon will be here before my children will need to think about retirement, they're asking my kids to do what I just asked you to do.


    OM: Hey, ACL, would you mind passing the Turkey?

    Gobble Gobble.

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


  • poppers

    Good one. I'd like to be there when/if that conversation takes place.

  • OnTheWayOut

    This is a good way to spoil the day. I would prefer to let the JW's enjoy the turkey and all the fixings without trying to trigger their cult responses. Work on ways to demonstrate to your kids how silly the whole thing is. I have plans with my JW mother and wife for Thursday, and I have no intention of being Mr. Antagonizer. If an opening to subtly discuss it comes up, maybe making Aunt Chicken Little think a bit about the delay of Armageddon is okay. I'd probably let it go at 50 years and not ask her to "sign over her house." By the way, 50 years is late in 2059, not Jan. 1st.

    As for the kids:

    "We don't have to celebrate a holiday called Thanksgiving to get together with family. If they would just have done it on Thursday then we could have gone to some of the great sales at the mall."

    Well, you can think of something better by Friday.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I like it Open Mind.

    Subtle, gentle, non-confrontational (it's really all in the delivery) and it gives ACL a fantastic OPPORTUNITY TO DEMONSTRATE HER FAITH, AND HER CONVICTION THAT ARMAGEDDON IS KIND OF NEAR!


    Peace on earth

    The Oracle

  • Nathan Natas
  • Joshnaz

    On the way out likes to take everything everyone says and anylize it to DEATH. Also he always there to share his criticizing thoughts to everyone. Hey while your "On the way out" don't let the door knob hit you on the ass!

    I think its great

  • yesidid
    On the way out likes to take everything everyone says and anylize it to DEATH. Also he always there to share his criticizing thoughts to everyone.

    Actually I dont think he does that to everyone, but he certainly does it to om.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I humbly salute you Nathan Natas!!

    If you haven't read his link people, please do. It's WAY better conceived than my little Turkey day gambit.

    I like the $100 part too. Sweetens the pot. Takes any sense of gambling out of the picture too.

    Joshnaz: OTWO's been Jiminy Cricket on my shoulder since day one here. Sometimes he comes across stronger in writing than he means, (I think). We've talked on the phone and know each other's home situation. But, for Joshnaz's benefit,:

    "Hey OTWO (Jerry) I was just fantasizing! I'm gonna enjoy my Turkey and have a good time."


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Any word on who the new King of the North is?... Has that been in print?"

    "We sure don't hear anything about the UN these days."

    "With all the problems in the world, we sure don't here much talk about peace and security."

    "We have two new churches in our neighborhood. The parking lots sure are full on Sunday."

  • Simon

    Very nice

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