Mars was used by the people from Nibiru as a space station to send their produce mainly gold to their planet from earth. They would shuttle their wares to mars on rockets from earth and then use a bigger rocket holding 10 times as much from the earth rockets.
They would do this because of the gravitational pull.
There are books on this you can start with Slave Species of God by Tillinger.
There is a pyramyd with a face on it and a city up on mars there are pictures of it on the internet and in books in the library.
You can look at the pictures and take them for what they are or you can look at the pictures and read our governments, Nasa telling you that it isnt what you see it is.
Our Government would never lie to us.
There is a lot of evidence for extraterrstrial life. It's up to the individual to accept or live in his own chosen fantasy world.
Of NFL football, American Idol, Americas biggest looser, Nascar, any diversion that allows people to be zombies and walk around unconcious and be good consumers.
This is the information age Governments have the same trouble keeping the lid on things as the watchtower society.
But they have the same tools to work with peoples intellectual lazziness and their sheep like tendancies and need to follow the pack and be accepted and not rock the boat.