New Evidence of Life On Mars

by metatron 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron


    I don't foresee any dramatic revelations in this but the evidence is clearly moving towards acceptance of extraterrestrial life. The Vatican had a recent study on this subject, as if to prepare its people for the future.

    It will be interesting to see, one day, how the Watchtower spins this subject, given that Jehovah forgot to tell the Governing Frauds about it. Probably a mushy, "this is no big deal" admission.


  • jaguarbass

    Mars was used by the people from Nibiru as a space station to send their produce mainly gold to their planet from earth. They would shuttle their wares to mars on rockets from earth and then use a bigger rocket holding 10 times as much from the earth rockets.

    They would do this because of the gravitational pull.

    There are books on this you can start with Slave Species of God by Tillinger.

    There is a pyramyd with a face on it and a city up on mars there are pictures of it on the internet and in books in the library.

    You can look at the pictures and take them for what they are or you can look at the pictures and read our governments, Nasa telling you that it isnt what you see it is.

    Our Government would never lie to us.

    There is a lot of evidence for extraterrstrial life. It's up to the individual to accept or live in his own chosen fantasy world.

    Of NFL football, American Idol, Americas biggest looser, Nascar, any diversion that allows people to be zombies and walk around unconcious and be good consumers.

    This is the information age Governments have the same trouble keeping the lid on things as the watchtower society.

    But they have the same tools to work with peoples intellectual lazziness and their sheep like tendancies and need to follow the pack and be accepted and not rock the boat.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    First the WTB&TS will condemn the Vatican's position, whatever it turns out to be, and then the WTB&TS will adopt a virtually identical position because the WTB&TS is led by Jehovah's Magical Spirit.

  • Satanus

    Cool stuff. In a few more yrs, people will be going to mars. Then hopefully, this will be corroborated. If proven conclusively, that life came here originally from mars, it's another nail in the lid of the coffin of the christian bible. Not that that will affect the true believers.


  • Satanus
  • bohm

    jaguarbass: who do you think took that picture of the face originally? perhaps they just WANT you to think it is there! ;-)

  • finallysomepride

    we are all from mars, that movie told us so, don't u believe everything u r told, 'Mission To Mars' so I call, LOL

  • wobble

    I wonder how the WTB$ will explain the Devil being confined to the vicinity of the Earth, as in Rev.12 ?

    If life exists elsewhere,surely he should have a chance to "turn" them too,not just earthlings?



  • cantleave

    If they found evidence of life on Mars, the WT$ would say that is was planted there by Satan and his Demons.

  • zagor

    I'm not convinced, Mars is a very sterile place. It is possible of course and it would be a great news if confirmed but that will require going to the Mars and physically discovering the evidence there, that could not have been conaminated by Earth bacteria. The fact that Mars meteorite was found on Antarctica while 'romantic' doesn't really prove it could not have been contaminated there. After all it layed on the ground for thousands of years before being discovered. We aready know that life on Earth can live in the most extreme of the environments here, hot or cold in fact we even have a special name for it, we call them Extremophiles i.e. The cold of Antartica is not the evidence rock 'could not have been contaminated on this planet'

    As for JWs and church in general, I think they will always find "another angle" with which to screw minds of believers until they don't have any minds left to screw with.

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