last night I was at my 'friends' house she hasnt been to the meetings for about two years now, but let's have it said: In the twelve years I have known here shes done about two good stints of attending, been DFd and gone back etc. she lives with her boyfriend.
Well I happened to just mention something about my family and she launched into this whole don't attack the witnesses you know its right barage at me. I hadn't even mentioned religion. - she basically seems to think the only reason I say I dont believe it is because I'm sulking that I got DFd and 'I know its the truth' and the fact that I am ostracised, I just need to learn to take it on the chin.
when she finished her spat, I meekly said. "so are you putting a christmas tree up" she looked and said "why are you asking me that" I said "well I just want to know where I stand with your kids etc" and she said well (boyfriend) believes in trees.. ? wtf? believes in trees. I got up early this morning and left hers at 730 I couldnt be bothered with the morning cup of tea and so on. Is it just me? what is wrong with people?