Are JWs Environmentalists?

by cameo-d 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    Has the coming population reduction at "the hand of god" ever been trumped up as a necessary thing for the health of the planet or as a positive environmental cleansing? (Rather than just as a judgement of wicked?)

    I just wonder if WT uses those platforms to justify what could possibly be some kind of deliberate anihilation of a great many people.

    Will JWs align with the Agenda 21 program? Or the Eco-Religious zealots?


    The reality is that if a deadly H1N1 mutation did kill tens of millions, many very sick environmental extremists would actually applaud. Increasingly, many in the environmental community are viewing humanity itself as a “disease” that needs to be eradicated for the good of the earth.

    Talk about a dangerous belief system.

  • cantleave

    Cameo-d, there are alot of people who would say that Huamns are diesease and need to be eradicated in order to save the planet. That doesn't make them environmentalist. Someone who looks for solutions to enable the human race to work in harmony with the environment is. That certainly means recoginising that the population need controllling, by using contraception and financial incentives for smaller families, but not by genocide or allowing a devestaing plague.

    The WTB$ does not in any qualify as an organisation supporting environmentalism, they use huge resources to print their spiteful literature and discourage their members from taking part in conservation activities.

  • Black Sheep
  • blondie
  • blondie


    *** w93 1/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***with "critical times hard to deal with," as noted at 2 Timothy 3:1-5. And what God had recorded at Revelation 11:18 proves that human efforts to rid the earth of its major ecological problems, including pollution, will not fully succeed. There may be some progress here and there, but the only lasting solution requires God’s intervention.

    For this reason we concentrate our efforts and resources on the divine solution, rather than trying to relieve superficial symptoms. In this we follow the example of Jesus, who spent the greater part of his ministry ‘bearing witness to the truth.’ (John 18:37) Instead of feeding the world or relieving wide-scale social ills—including pollution—Jesus pointed to the complete solution to the problems afflicting humankind.—John 6:10-15; 18:36.

    While love for fellowmen moves us to avoid needlessly polluting the land, atmosphere, or water supplies, we continue to bear witness to the truth. This involves teaching people to apply Bible truth and so avoid ruining their bodies with smoke, excessive alcohol, or damaging drugs. As millions of new ones have become disciples, they have learned habits of cleanliness and consideration for others. So the preaching work has made a literal contribution to the lessening of the general problem of pollution today. But more important, Christian disciples strive to make over their personality and habits now so that they will fit into the clean Paradise earth that God will soon provide for his true worshipers.

  • recapitated

    The WTS may very well at some point, if it hasn't already, use environmentalist ideologies as counterfeit evidence for the wisdom of God's blood bath because it can blame the wicked for environmental issues, although the JWs will probably not directly align themselves with any such movements as these would be perceived as "worldly" solutions to problems only God can resolve, and would thus constitute a lack of faith. Of course the WTS could easily spin it by stating that even though the end is near it is important to show love and respect for God's creation in the meantime, and since God will destroy those who destroy the earth JWs should take extra precaution to avoid falling into that category. By that simple tactic JWs can be programmed into self-righteous environmentalists and retain their religious label. Besides, by poluting less now they will have less to clean up after Armageddon!

  • WTWizard

    The flu deaths are right on time--starting shortly after the vaccines start showing up, and I think people that get the shot are at risk of getting the deadly form while those who don't are more likely to get either the mild flu or the No Flu.

    As for whether the witlesses are environmentalists, it is all talk and no action. They talk about how Jehovah is going to destroy those ruining the Earth. Meanwhile, they waste huge amounts of gas driving in field circus, and even more in printing littera-trash, building and maintaining Kingdumb Hells, and the mountain of garbage they generate from eating McDonalds "food" every day.

  • teel
    they have learned habits of cleanliness and consideration for others. So the preaching work has made a literal contribution to the lessening of the general problem of pollution today

    No, the preaching work made a literal contribution to increasing the general problem of pollution. The JW show no particular restraint when it comes to enviromental friendliness, and as WTW pointed out, they grossly add to the problem by exactly maintaining that preaching work.

  • Ténébreux

    They sometimes bring up the scripture about how God wil "bring to ruin those who are ruining the Earth" with illustrations of atomic bombs, industrial pollution etc. So in that sense they do regard the annihilation of certain people as a positive thing for the planet (a position I'm not sure I disagree with, actually). But not so much as far as population reduction is concerned. They believe they themselves are going to repopulate the whole earth.

  • designs

    Blondie, in one of the odd twists, I got more flack from the Witnesses for promoting environmentalism than from ideas about Reform.

    Community envolvement in cleanup projects and replanting natural habitats just isn't on their radar screen........

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