A recent newspaper article in the Warwick New York newspaper uncovers the plans for the Watchtower Society to move out of Brooklyn New York and set up their world headquarters in Warwick. http://www.strausnews.com/articles/2009/11/25/warwick_advertiser/news/2.txt The citizens of Warwick and the surrounding communities should be exposed to what the Watchtower Society really is, a dangerous and destructive cult! Note in the newspapers link comments made at the end of the article from concerned readers warning the community to really think twice before permitting the WATCHTOWER ORG. to set up it's headquarters in Warwick. Let's start a campaign of letter writing to the officials of Warwick,as well as making comments on web news releases concerning the Witnesses moving there.
Write letters to citizens of Warwick New York exposing the Watchtower org.
by koolaid-man 37 Replies latest jw friends
aye but they will keep the place clean and wave cheerily at passers by.
Rick, I like you because you put your money where your mouth is. That is a great idea. Can you provide me an address please.
How about letters regarding the pedo coverup?
I would love to help if at all possible. Might help counteract all that wretched letter writing I did in the past.
Great idea but i think city officials are mostly concerned about tax revenues coming in!
Sample of comment to newspapper puplishers.
Rick Fearon wrote on Nov 26, 2009 7:31 PM:
" The citizens of Warwick and surrounding areas should be aware of how dangerous and destructive the Watchtower Org. is. This Organization is more of a threat to this country then most people realize. The Watchtower Organization should be ashamed of themselves for breaking up families, causing the deaths of untold thousands because of their no blood transfusions policies,pushing people to suicide by instilling so much guilt in them and hiding child molesters. For more information go to our website www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com "
The proposed Watchtower redevelopment site has been vacant since the mid 1990’s. Two other tax-exempt entities - Kings College and later Touro College - each abandoned plans to redevelop the site. The org. for the most part is tax-excempt.
drew sagan
To believe that somehow people on this message board will organize to prevent the Watchtower from moving to a new location is beyond satire.
The proposed property is currently one of many undeveloped brownfield sites that littler the north eastern rust belt. The economic and enviromental benifits derived from the Watchtower developing this plan will take precendent no matter what you say. While the article mentions concerns from the local school board regarding kids attending their schools without their parents paying property taxes (I infer this from the article, it is not explicitly stated), the fact that JWs with kids must live off of the WTS campus likely makes this point null.
" The citizens of Warwick and surrounding areas should be aware of how dangerous and destructive the Watchtower Org. is. This Organization is more of a threat to this country then most people realize. The Watchtower Organization should be ashamed of themselves for breaking up families, causing the deaths of untold thousands because of their no blood transfusions policies,pushing people to suicide by instilling so much guilt in them and hiding child molesters. For more information go to our website www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com "
Your extremely generalized and exaggerated fear mongering regarding the Watchtower Society is laughable.The WTS is primarily "dangerous" (a term I use with great hesitancy) to individual members of the faith, not society as a whole. While it could be counterargued that society is threatened because of door-to-door proselytizing (in which people are converted to JWs), I fail to see how this specifically relates to the Warwick community. JW's will continue to engage society as a whole regardless of their HQ location.
On a more practical level, a number of issues could be made regarding how the city will effecitvly manage the increased level of public services needed to facilitate a new Watchtower campus. However, many states provide 10-15 year (or more!) tax abatements for redeveloped brownfields. This being the case, the fact that the Watchtower is non-profit changes very little.
This is property development. Nothing more, nothing less.
Don't get me wrong, I always appreciate your ability to venture off into the absurd. Sixscreensofthewatchtower.com © , with its blood dripping fonts and 80's horror movie soundrack is a great form of comedic entertainment.
drew sagan
Of all the comments on that article made by individuals, this one actually does warrent some attention:
" I wonder how a "religious" organization has the money to purchase 4 five story buildings? This is all tax free use of the property so Orange County residents are subsidizing this project. It would be one thing if this project was for an existing population here but this is a project that does not produce long term jobs for the residents already living here. I would not be surprised if this project contains a dirty enviroment business like printing.They should relocate to Queens which is URBAN and which has miles of industrial use empty buildings!
Why "develop" out here? Are they being recruited by our local government agencies?This person has brought up a legitimate point, but one that does not single out the Watchtower as the only entity deserving attention. The Watchtower is positioned to benefit from current norms in land development laws and incentives. This is similiar to how tax dollars are used to build sports stadiums, convention centers and private business facilities. Do public investments into private interests really bring about economic change? Are they "worth the money"? This more important discussion is bigger than the Watchtower, which is simply one entity of many taking advantage of what local and state governments are offereing land developers.