The Time Is Now! New book on JWs, UN, etc.

by Dogpatch 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewperson

    I think this also ties in:

    FLAGS, WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS OF THEM: Speaking of banners, i.e. elongated flags, Psalm 20:5 says “We will cry out joyfully because of your salvation, and in the name of our God we shall lift our banners.” Canticles (Song of Solomon) 2:4 says “He brought me into the house of wine, and his banner over me was love.” Canticles 6:4 says “You are beautiful , O girl companion of mine, like Pleasant City, comely like Jerusalem, awesome as companies gathered around banners.” And the last verse referring to flags is Canticles 6:10 which says “Who is this woman who is looking down like the dawn, beautiful like the full moon, pure like the glowing sun, awesome as companies gathered around banners?” So as you read, the Bible speaks of flags in no negative way at all but in the contexts of joy and love. And no matter how much someone may have told us otherwise the real truth is that most people salute flags to show “respect,” not to worship them or a represented national heritage, government system or beliefs etc. Insofar as showing respect in religion, who deserves it more: a man who misspoke about flags as if idols as did J.F. Rutherford in the 1900s when reining over Jehovah’s Witnesses, or both the Bible and the common sense that God put into us?

    Perhaps some in the past believed as Rutherford taught because taught the same by very loving friends or family convinced that he was correct, but when the real truth appears like this, will you put God’s will first even above those whom you love but now know are misinformed? Note that Romans 14:1-5 affirms that Christians are to enjoy freedom to differ on things beyond the very simplest key and essential beliefs of the faith (Hebrews 6:1-2), with an emphasis on LOVE, and this Christian freedom applies to views about flags as well. Ask for a totally free subscription to “the Free Christians Newsletter” from jahchristian at with no obligation to join anything at all and regardless of your belief system if any; again jahchristian at today.

  • avengers

    Happy Man: Actually I'm not too happy about the way you express yourself in English! I don't think anyone, no matter how bad he writes his English can do it this bad. Personally I think you do it on purpose. I can't really make out of your words what you actually mean. I wonder why?

  • ISP

    Hey Fred....if Randy wanted to make money...he would be better off writing apolgetic stuff for the WTS to quote from and dubs to buy so that they can say they are well read!

    Hey Fred, fancy giving it a go...writing a few books?


  • LovesDubs

    Hey Freddy did Greg Stafford donate all his book earnings to the Society? rofl

    Read CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE by Former Governing Body Member RAY FRANZ


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