by Frenchy 15 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Seven

    Frenchy, Another great story. Keep writing! It's been awhile since
    you posted Farther From Heavenback in October-my favorite.


  • thinker

    (Thinkers Wife)
    Have you thought about publishing your work? I believe there would be a market. There is a glut of movies dealing with just these very things.

  • ZazuWitts

    Very intriguing story Frenchy. I couldn't 'put it down' (and burnt my bread). Would love to read your previous one?????....will be looking forward to more. Thank you much for sharing.

  • Seven

    Zazu, Look up at the upper righthand corner of the screen and you'll see a Show topics from the last___days. Click on 100 days and you'll find more of Frenchy's stories.


  • mommy

    Frenchy THANK YOU:) that was wonderful!
    thinker, I don't see any bad guys. The characters are just like us, and doing what we do EVERDAY.
    They are making choices and surviving:)

  • Frenchy

    You’re very welcome and thank you all very much for your kind expressions.
    This was one of those stories that ‘manifested’ itself as I was writing it. I had no idea how it would end until I finished it. I was disturbed at how the Bible reading wife and mother could so calmly accept such an unacceptable situation. When society is stripped away from us and survival becomes the most important thing in our lives we become what we must. Some of us are able to justify whatever means are necessary to ensure our survival and that of our progeny once society and its values are removed from us.
    (Thinker’s Wife)
    Yes, I have thought about publishing them. I sent off a couple of stories last year or so but all I got were rejection slips. The trick is to find a publisher that is looking for that particular material at the time. I’m told that there is so much being submitted these days that very few unsolicited manuscripts are ever read. I would love to find a new publisher somewhere that is actually looking for stuff instead of all those that are accepting manuscripts only from recognized authors. I have not as yet found one although I have to confess that I haven’t looked as hard as I should.
    I’m glad you liked Farther From Heaven. I really enjoyed writing that one.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

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