Many advices are needed! No prudes are allowed here, please. Thank you!

by asilentone 79 Replies latest social relationships

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Three-year old boy taking a bath starts playing with his testicles and asks:

    Boy: "Mommy? Are these my brains?"

    Mom: "Not yet!"

    "Think" about it dude.


  • asilentone

    sixofnine, No, the first one's first language is German and the second one is a house manager for a pro athelete.

  • transparentGreen

    Well what are your intentions? A fling and short term? Long term and kids? That should give you your answer.

    Question though, what would you do if you found out she has more "friends" then just you and her husband?

  • Smile

    I too draw married me to me like moths to a flame.

    They want sex, comfort and understanding.

    Is it what I want? No

    Why do I go along with it?

    Basically it fills my needs right now. Long term clearly I'd like someone single and available.

    Do I feel bad? No.

    Having just 'escaped' and discovered sexual freedom I am still defining who I am. I have experiences to build and will take the consequences of my actions.

    We all need to what is right for us personally at the moment. We have stepped away from rules and being kept in a box. Lets not judge!

  • mrsjones5

    Sorry but gotta judge, you just fested up to being a ho.

  • tenyearsafter

    Been there and I bailed immediately. She was "hot" too...and her husband thought so too. The next guy she hooked up with ended up getting shot by her husband. I would venture to say that no "hottie" is worth that!! Bail and find a single one...plenty of fish in the sea dude...

  • truthseekeriam

    I'm guessing you don't watch Snappped. Be careful...very careful.

  • Snoozy

    I wouldn't feel too flattered..she obviously isn't getting anything worth bragging about at home, you are a step up in that

    She will tire of you and move one or she will become a noose around your neck.(Picture "Fatal Attraction").either way it won't be pretty..and hopefully you will emerge with all your body parts attached and disease free...

    I hope it is worth it. Nothing good (which you think it is at the time)comes without a price! (For both of you)

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    LOL @ Mrs.jones. I agree- both times.

  • only me
    only me

    You don't want a prudish answer? Okay then.

    Please make sure you are using protection, you do not know who she has been with or is with now. Please get tested regularly for STDs, protection is not always enough. There is nothing like a gift that keeps on giving like a case of genital warts or hepatitis C

    I disagree that she has to be unhappy with her husband. Women aren't always that different than men, especially younger women. She may just be a skanky ho. Or she may be testing the water to see if she can get a better catch while still hanging onto her husband "just in case " it doesn't turn out.

    Do you really feel you could ever trust her at all? For anything?

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