jesus' time on the earth

by ssn587 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ssn587

    was thinking about this for a bit, if a day to yahweh is a 1000 years, then what Jesus actually gave up to come down here with mankind was about 40 minutes, so whats the big deal, we all have done things we don't like for 40 minutes. So just how big a sacrifice was it for someone who knows his typical day is a 1000 years to spend 40 minutes being pushed around?

  • elder-schmelder

    Great point - I will use that one.


  • OnTheWayOut

    And I gave it a full chance for way more than 40 minutes. It just didn't work out.

  • Larsinger58

    He only came the first time, basically to become a sacrifice.

    The next time he will come and rule for 1000 years and then be a judge during Judgment Day, maybe 80-100 years.

    So it's all worked out.

    We're hoping the millennium will be in official status by December 21, 2012.

    There is a 15-month gap between the fall of BTG (i.e. UN destroys the Federal Reserve) and Armageddon, so time is running very, very thin now.


  • ssn587

    I revised the time on earth for jesus, to 45 minutes in the context of a day to god. his ministry 4.9 minutes his being tortured prior to dying, 22/100 of a second, his time in the grave 66/100 of a second. Oh sure he care so much about mankind we wouldn't have an hour of his time here upon the earth. Now that would have made a large impression. Then we could actually separate the fact from the finction.

  • OnTheWayOut

    We're hoping the millennium will be in official status by December 21, 2012.

    There is a 15-month gap between the fall of BTG (i.e. UN destroys the Federal Reserve) and Armageddon, so time is running very, very thin now.

    Lars, we'll talk on Dec. 22, 2012 and for several months and years after. See ya then.

  • poppers

    What I wonder about is how, if Jesus is God, dying is a sacrifice - I mean, what actually is lost/sacrificed? God the father can't "kill" God the son, which would be part of himself.

    Edited to add: If Jesus was not God how could he possibly be a saviour of mankind by dying? Isn't that what all Christian's believe whether they believe he is God or not, that he is a "saviour"?

  • Larsinger58

    OTWO Lars, we'll talk on Dec. 22, 2012 and for several months and years after. See ya then.

    Maybe we will talk the day after the WTS is outlawed and BTG is destroyed. They are already calling for the end of the Fed right now!


  • moshe
    -The next time he will come and rule for 1000 years and then be a judge during Judgment Day, maybe 80-100 years

    The odds are greater that aliens will show up in 2012.

  • Larsinger58
    -The next time he will come and rule for 1000 years and then be a judge during Judgment Day, maybe 80-100 years

    The odds are greater that aliens will show up in 2012.

    Moshe. The above statement proves just one thing. You can type.


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