My JW sister e-mailed me today, telling me she thinks her husband has asperger's syndrome. She herself is bi-polar and has been diagnosed with post tramatic stress disorder. I'm thinking JW's have alot of mental disorders, but I never heard of anyone with Asperger's Syndrome. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or perhaps their mental disorder link that ties so many JW's together?
Asperger's Syndrome
by Joshnaz 16 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
You are born with Asperger's. It's not acquired later. My son has it. More males than females have it. It's a social communication disorder that is not mental illness but is classified as a learning disability. It's on the highly functional end of the autism spectrum. Hopes this helps a little. Check out for more information.
I suspect Asperger's Syndrom is very common in the WTS.
I grew up with someone that had it pretty severely. I've never felt there were an inordinate number of Aspergers in the Hall, not like CFS and MPD. Whitedove points out an important distinction: Aspergers is not an acquired syndrome or disorder.
well its my thought that inner confilict drives a lot to mental health issues. - I myself had medication while a JW and so many others I knew, - I barely know anyone in 'the world' on meds - I feel no need for anything like that now,
the other explanation is also that a lot of vulnerable people in the community join up, who already suffer from disorders
Above all, to thine own self be true. - I believe this, and if you arent, its bound to cause mental issues.
White Dove
I think depression is the most common. I've never seen so many sisters acting like they are on Valum than I have at the hall. Acoholism could be another one that is very common at the khall, or just a bunch of boozers without the acoholic gene.
White Dove
I like that, Creativehoney! It's very true that cognitive dissonance can cause mental anguish.
thank you whitedove, and for the proper terminology, I had read before about cognitive dissonance and forgotten the term, but yes thats what I was getting at. - I really believe if you split yourself in two your brain will become ill. you see it so many times. - witnesses in bad marriages, those who leave but say they still believe it and punish themselves for sinning, those who are in, but dont want to be..
Aspergers though, yes, Its born with, its a spectrum disorder, as is Autism, or even things like Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, - also interestingly common in creative people, - perhaps they are creative because their brain works slighlty differently from others..
Elsewhere: I suspect Asperger's Syndrom is very common in the WTS.
I would say, instead, that some of the characteristic behavioral patterns related to syndromes or disorders like Alexithymia or Asperger's or... (in alphabetical order just to start with) are in the WT world considered to be signs of christian maturity.
Our son exhibits Aspergers. It made him display difficult behaviours during meetings (talking very loudly and throwing tantrums) but it was not caused by or excerbated by them.