Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-29-09 WT Study (GOD DELIVER)

by blondie 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-29-09 WT Study (September 15, 2009, pages 25-29)(JEHOVAH DELIVER)

    Review comments will be in red or headed by COMMENTS
    WT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will headed by QUOTES
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations
    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations

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    "Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, because he has turned his attention and performed deliverance toward his people."--LUKE 1:68.



    So who uttered the words of Luke 1:68? Zechariah, John the Baptist's father, a Levite. How does the WTS justify

    inserting Jehovah here?


    Q1,2. How might the seriousness of our present condition be illustrated, and what questions will we discuss?

    This is a lame analogy. jws characterize doctors as evil enemies determined to break their integrity.

    Do jws respect doctors or medical researchers?
    "us" or "we" means only nonjws


    Q3. How is sun comparable to a pandemic?

    Worst pandemic---black death?
    Ebola because a higher percentage who catch it die?
    Sin (which is not a disease) because 100% die?

    Q4. What is Jehovah's perspective on our lifespan, and how does his viewpoint differ from that of many today?

    many (how many--all nonjws) see death as natural per WTS.
    So nonjws cannot grasp the concept of never dying?!
    Does the bible promise that people would never die? Lazarus was resurrected but died again? jws today expect they will never die because the "end is near" but are unpleasantly surprised as they see jws dying who were promised this by the WTS--millions now living will never die--how many from 1920 still live?
    OUR deliverance--only jws

    Q5. What has been the cost of sin to e

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    Page 2

    Q5. What has been the cost of sin to each of us?

    US = only jws
    Only Adam & Eve through away perfect human life; their descendants did not.
    So Adam & Eve may have been rightly condemned but were their descendants?

    Q6,7. (a) How did Jehovah first show that our deliverance would prove costly? (b) What can we learn from the

    sacrifices offered up by Abel and by patriarchs who lived prior to the Law?

    OUR deliverance = only jws
    How costly was Jesus sacrifice? He lived only 3 1/2 years after his anointing and how much of that was he under

    persecution. His suffering at Golgotha lasted less than normal for that type of execution. And he knew he would be

    resurrected having demonstrated his own ability several times to resurrect others. Who really was suffering for years

    and eons but the human race.

    save mankind--not just "us" and "we" only jws

    Q8. What did the high priest do on the annual Dan of Atonement?

    Did the atonement really forgive any sins or just represent? Just as the light "represented" God but was not truly God in

    person? So is Jesus only an animal?

    Q9. (a) On Atonement Day, whom did the high priest picture, and what did the sacrifices he offered signify? (b) What

    was represented by the high priest's entry into the Most Holy?

    Was everything Paul wrote inspired? Is anything the WTS writes inspired?
    "Real" atonement--two groups 144,000 and other sheep--where is any proof identifying the other sheep not being the

    Gentile Christians?
    Only the 144,000 are identified as Christ's brothers by the WTS---does that mean the "other sheep" are not Christ's


    *** w07 4/1 p. 25 par. 16 Loyal to Christ and His Faithful Slave ***
    Out of sheer gratitude and loyalty, the other sheep lovingly support Christ’s anointed “brothers” on the earth during this

    time of the end.—Matthew 25:40.

    Q10. Bible prophecy showed that the Messiah would experience what?

    Persecuted only for 3 1/2 years---how long have some of Jesus' followers been persecuted---much longer than 3 1/2


    Q11. In what ways did Jehovah's Son show willingness to sacrifice himself for our deliverance?

    OUR deliverance - only jws
    Jesus submitted willing to his FATHER's instructions--not the instructions of the Jewish religious leaders
    Jesus obediently carried out his FATHER's will--not the will of the Jewish religious leaders
    Jesus called his father not by his first name but the more intimate appellation, father.
    large part of Christ's love--finally putting Jesus into the picture
    OUR deliverance--only jws

    Q12. The ransom is an expression of whose will, and why did he provide it?

    Owe first and foremost to.....where's Jesus? Where is Christ's love?

    Q13,14. How can Abraham's example help us appreciate what Jehovah has done in our behalf?

    OUR behalf--only jws
    Have not many parents lost children to horrible events?
    Isn't what God asked Abraham to do not much different than the Canaanites and Israelites who tossed their children

    into the fire?
    Does Abraham mention the resurrection in Genesis? Or is it an undocumented supposition by Paul?

    Q15. How did Jesus complete the great act of atonement, and what did this make possible?

    Complete forgiveness---is forgiveness incomplete now?
    First for Christ's brothers (only 144,000 per WTS) then for "whole world's"? Are the other sheep bunched in with

    non-Christians then?
    GENUINE followers of Christ--only jws

    Q16. How

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    Q16. How might we illustrate why we should appreciate the deliverance that Jehovah has made possible for us?

    Has not Jesus made this deliverance possible?
    WE should appreciate...US--only jws
    Are jws taught to follow the doctor's directions--blood transfusions?
    Are jws taught to follow the doctor's directions carefully--blood transfusions?

    Q17. In what ways can you show your appreciation for what Jehovah has done to deliver you?

    In the paragraph it says "Jehovah and his Son" have done in order to deliver, yet question only mentions God.
    YOU...YOUR...YOU...US...WE.........only jws
    clean standing with Jehovah--only as jws
    hypocritical double life---pour out blood but take hemoglobin-based products made out of stored blood?

    CARROT--eternal future...forever


    It has always disturbed me that only the 144,000 could be called Christ's brothers. You can see the understanding in

    Russell's books where Jesus is often called their big brother. Does the WTS ever invite the "other sheep" to consider

    Christ their big brother, or just their eternal father?

    Next week, Be Aglow with the Spirit.

    Love, Blondie

  • cantleave

    I thought the hospital analogy was crass too. Another excellent review - cheers Blondie,

  • Bourne

    Excellent commentary as usual, Blondie.

    You Rock!


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thank you, as always, for your commentary Blondie.

    While I no longer personally hold the Christian world view, it is enlightening to see how many places the Watchtower has created their own little bizarro world that is alien to most Christian students of the Bible.

    Here's a little thing I noticed in Paragraph 14.

    "He and his Son had enjoyed associating together for countless millions, perhaps even billions, of years."

    Why even open up this cosmological can of worms Watchtower? Why not just say "since the beginning of Creation" and leave it at that? "Perhaps" makes it sound like the Watchtower might buy into the possibility that the universe is 13.5 to 14 billion years old. If you're not going to take a stand, just leave it vague, IMO.


  • garyneal

    Excellent job Blondie,

    I do have a question concerning that Christmas card list. Was I suppose to receive a list of individuals? If so, have you sent that to me yet?


    "He and his Son had enjoyed associating together for countless millions, perhaps even billions, of years."

    Why even open up this cosmological can of worms Watchtower? Why not just say "since the beginning of Creation" and leave it at that? "Perhaps" makes it sound like the Watchtower might buy into the possibility that the universe is 13.5 to 14 billion years old. If you're not going to take a stand, just leave it vague, IMO.

    Good catch, I missed that one myself. Since I believe that Jesus and Jehovah both claim to be the alpha and the omega, and therefore infinite beings, I don't understand how time would have any meaning for either of them. So why even specify years at all? You're suggestion would be a much better choice. Even for the people who believe Jesus is a created being time would still have different meaning for Him and His Father. But I guess they don't view things this way. Ever since I began studying with the witness more than six years ago, the one thing I notice is how they try to think of Godly things on human terms.

  • bobld

    Thanks Blondie

    Did I miss something in this wt study.They say J.C. died for our sins or we (our sin) can only be forgiven because of J.C. sacrifice.I thought J.C. died for our inherited sin and has nothing to if we sin today.That is our slate has been wiped clean for what we lost in Adam.


  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Thanks. Most of the auxillary comments today from the R&F had nothing to do with the study material - usual "appreciate the act of deliverance by attending meetings, serivice, study...etc" Nobody really studies these days. WTSC was in autopilot could answer "Satan saved Isaac as he wanted to screw around with his sex drive till he was 40 when he got married" and the WTSC would say "good point" or "good observation","yes, exactly"....going through the motions.

  • ziddina

    Yay! Thank you, Blondie!

    I will come back and read further when I have time. Zid jk


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