Do you like unexpected visitors?

by highdose 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil2

    If its a salesman, no. If its a family member or friend I haven't seen in a while, then yes.

  • babygirl30

    Friends and family I don't mind...the elders just 'popping' by to see what I'm up to, well that's HELL NO!

  • RubaDub

    We really don't mind, especially if they call first.

    Rub a Dub

  • chickpea

    the inner circle can let themselves in
    even if i am not there.... there are about
    3 people outside the family that rank....

    other than that, it totally depends
    on what that current moment presents....

    usually, it isnt a thrill

  • xeracia

    I've constantly got the neighborhood kids over. But other than that, no...I don't want anyone over, don't want the phone to ring, don't want my messenger flashing, and am generally anti-social.

  • dissed

    We love the fact and are flattered that people would want to visit us, but please call first. If you don't call first, you will only get as far as our front porch, no matter what the weather is like.

    On the otherhand, a former CO recently called, that he was in the area, and wanted to visit, not knowing we were out of the WTS. We told him and his wife, it wasn't convenient to come by, not wanting to deal with that particular stress that day.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    If its a salesman, no. If its a family member or friend I haven't seen in a while, then yes.

    I actually prefer the salesmen, because I'm not obliged to invite them in, and I can get rid of them quickly. I like to have little notice before people just show up at my door.

  • Finally-Free

    I refuse to acknowledge unexpected visitors. I won't answer the door. I don't even like phone calls between certain hours. I take calls and troubleshoot problems all day at work. I get home at 6 PM, and I want some f*cking peace. I reserve the next 2 hour slot for myself. Unless someone is on their deathbed I don't want to hear that shit phone ring. The telemarketers have eased off quite a bit, possibly because I've recently filed a ton of complaints to the CRTC. Unfortunately, certain friends keep calling during the dinner hour EVERY DAY - which is my busiest time of day - in spite of being politely informed that I don't appreciate it. Like I said, I don't mind if someone is on their deathbed or if it's an important call, but I don't want the busiest time of my day interrupted by someone who wants to tell me how poorly they slept or how many times they shit that day. Maybe it's time to blow up at them. Some people are too stupid to understand anything else. I reserve the right to cook, eat, shit, wash myself, and hang out with my bird without interruption from 6-8 PM every day. I don't think that's unreasonable, since I have doctors instructions to try to finish my dinner by 6:30, 7:00 at latest. Also, my bird gets a bit aggressive and unmanageable around 8 PM because he instinctively knows it's nearing bedtime.

    After 8 PM I can talk all I want. Why can't people give me a couple of hours to cook, eat, shit, and wash myself after work?


  • Too Opinionated
    Too Opinionated

    Absolutely not.

  • blondie

    Only if it is the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes van.

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