Just my thoughts on the WT Jan 15 2010... Bah humbug

by Aussie Oz 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
  • alanv

    It's a bit like my friend working for my dad and him calling him dad. Completely stupid as is most things that come out of the old men in Brooklyn. The whole org. is a mass of contradictions.

  • blondie

    I have brought this point out in my comments before but so has the WTS.

    *** dx86-07 Sons of God ***

    humans: to become "children of God" (Ro 8:21): wt 184-5, 189, 191; w00 10/15 19; w98 2/15 17-19; it-1 1139-40; it-2 999

    other sheep "children of God" (Ro 8:21): wt 184-5, 189, 191; w00 10/15 19; w98 2/15 17-19; it-1 1139-40; it-2 999

    *** My Follower (2007) cf chap. 18 p. 191 par. 22 "Continue Following Me" ***At the end of that Millennium, Jesus will hand the rulership back to his Father. (1 Corinthians 15:24) If you continue loyally following Christ, you will be granted a blessing so wonderful that it is hard even to imagine—"the glorious freedom of the children of God"! (Romans 8:21) Yes, we will have all the blessings that Adam and Eve had and lost. Earthly sons and daughters of Jehovah, we will be forever free of the stain of Adam’s sin. Truly, "death will be no more."—Revelation 21:4.

    *** w04 11/1 p. 13 par. 17 Happy Servants of Jehovah ***The peaceable "other sheep" serve Jehovah under the Fine Shepherd, Christ Jesus, who becomes their "Eternal Father." (John 10:14, 16; Isaiah 9:6) Those who successfully pass the final test after the Millennial Reign of Christ will be adopted as Jehovah’s earthly sons and "have the glorious freedom of the children of God." (Romans 8:21; Revelation 20:7, 9

    Worship God (2002) *** wt chap. 10 p. 99 par. 16 A Kingdom "That Will Never Be Brought to Ruin" ***After the abyssing of Satan and his demons, Jesus Christ and his 144,000 joint heirs will rule as kings and priests for the thousand years. (Revelation 20:6) During that period, mankind will be brought to perfection, with sin and Adamic death forever eliminated. At the end of the Thousand Year Reign, having successfully carried out his assignment as Messianic King-Priest, Jesus "hands over the kingdom" to his Father, "that God may be all things to everyone." (1 Corinthians 15:24-28) At that point, Satan is released for a little while to test redeemed humankind as to their support of Jehovah’s universal sovereignty. After that final test is complete, Jehovah will destroy Satan and the rebels who sided with him. (Revelation 20:7-10) Those who upheld Jehovah’s sovereignty—his right to rule—will have fully demonstrated their unswerving loyalty. They will then be brought into their proper relationship with Jehovah, being accepted by him as his sons and daughters, divinely approved for everlasting life.—Romans 8:21.

    *** w80 11/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***By the end of that millennial reign, all obedient earthly subjects will have been assisted by Jesus and his associate kings and priests to attain to perfection. Those who continue to remain faithful to God during the test by the released Devil and his demons will then have their names written in "the book of life." (Rev. 20:12-15) Then they will enjoy completely "the glorious freedom of the children of God." (Rom. 8:19-22) Thus the grand purpose of the "revealing of the sons of God" is accomplished.

    *** w76 5/1 p. 261 Where Can People Find Freedom? ***Then, when the thousand years reach their end, Christ will turn perfected mankind over to Jehovah God himself. (1 Cor. 15:2

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz


    looks like half my post didn't appear! now to figure out what i did wrong!

    Study article 2

    8 Just as Jehovah strengthened Moses and

    Jeremiah, he can help us to do what he expects

    of Christians today. The key factor is to

    rely on God. The Bible says: "Trust in Jehovah

    with all your heart and do not lean upon

    your own understanding. In all your ways

    take notice of him, and he himself will make

    your paths straight." (Prov. 3:5, 6) We reveal

    that we trust in Jehovah when we avail ourselves

    of the help he provides through his

    Word and through the congregation. If we

    allow Jehovah to gu

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    bugga! still not getting it right!

  • DaCheech

    double speak, circular reasoning at its best

  • sir82

    That's what's known as "having your cake and eating it too".

    In order for the anointed to be "special", they must uniquely be considered "sons of God", to the exclusion of everyone else. But on the other hand, if 99.9% of Jehovah's Witnesses can't call Jehovah their "father", well, that might not sit too well with the R&F.

    Solution? "The other sheep are simultaneously sons, and not sons, of Jehovah".

    And the sheep just lap it up, like it's "deep spiritual food".....

  • WTWizard

    Effectively, what Jehovah is telling us that we need to trust that He can deliver us. Which may in fact be true. What they don't tell you is that does absolutely no good, since that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag will NOT do anything of the sort. It is all a scam intended to keep us forever indebted to that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag. Keep us distressed (if necessary, sabotage our efforts at saving ourselves), dangle deliverance, and keep pushing the date back so it appears to always be in the near future. Then, compare examples from the Unholy Bible (that lies) at what He claims to have done.

    No, don't expect that just because that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag wrote that He did something to someone in the Unholy Bible, He will do it for you too. That is just a scam designed to get you to make the sacrifice. Despite that He has showed you that He can do good for you, this time He will do nothing (or worse, do evil).

  • Gayle

    do not lean upon your own understanding.

    Just lean on other imperfect men, the JW Governing Body!!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz


    16 Will belonging to Jehovah rob us of

    freedom? On the contrary, belonging to the

    world would rob us of freedom. The world is

    alienated from Jehovah and ruled by a cruel

    god who enslaves people. (John 14:30) For

    example, Satan' system of thing uses economic

    pressure to rob people of their freedom.

    ( compare Revelation 13:16, 17.) Sin

    a1s0 has a deceptive power to enslave people.

    (John 8:34; Heb. 3:13) s0 even though

    unbeliever may promise freedom when

    they promote a way of life that is at odds

    with Jehovah's teaching, any who listen to

    them will quickly find themselves enslaved

    to a sinful and degrading lifestyle.-Rom. 1:


    What really annoys me with this part, is that next year my 16 year old son will be listening this drivel. The WT will have him believe that if he steps outside the door, he will trip over hordes of snarling degraded sodomites all thirsting to turn him to 'sin'.

    In all the 10 years, i have not seen anyone living a sinful degrading life unless i went in search of such. They would have him believe that my life is full of sin and degradation. I'm married, don't cheat, pay my taxes, don't lie, obey the law, don't do drugs or get drunk.

    I must get him to think on this one somehow.

    But i am pissed of with the WT for the blanket assumptions they make. but then, i guess thats to be expected from religion of followers of followers of followers of followers.


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