just reading about a 89 year old man from Ohio whos just gone on trial for being a Nazi as a young man. If that generation and the GB is in their 80's- 90's then they really can't have more than 20 years left in them? how are they going to keep the fiction going about "the geneation" etc if they have all died out?
what time scale do they have left?
by highdose 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mad Sweeney
The "generation" teaching went out the window LONG ago. Someone can correct me on the exact date but it was something like 1994.
They no longer apply the "generation" of Matthew 24 to the old school anointed or anything relating to 1914. It simply applies to any anointed, period. And with the numbers of anointed going up (some even in their 30s at present!) they've got another half-century of wiggle room before another modification could possibly be needed. For all practical purposes, as long as they allow new anointed to eat and drink at the Memorial, they're good to go indefinitely.
Amazing what re-writing the dictionary can do for an organization!
Right. The WTS is now in spiritual darkness so they have the correct understanding of the "last generation" precisely.
They are right it begins in 1914 and ends 80 years later in 1994. That is, by 1994 the second coming is supposed to occur, which it did. The 2nd coming occurs 45 years after the Jews come out of exile in 1947. 1947 ends the "gentile times" and also the 1290 days. Christ fulfills the 1335 days and thus must return in 1992. 1992 is before 1994 so the Bible is fulfilled, all these things occur before that generation ends, the primary event being the second coming.
But because they think the second coming occurs in 1914, they focus on Armageddon coming later, and thus before 1994. It hasn't happened so now they think something is wrong with their "last generation" chronoogy, which is rather straightforward. 1914 is relevant because it begins the first of the signs of the last days which is a world war, "kingdom vs kingdom and nation vs nation." 1914 was that World War, that first sign. So that begins that generation of 80 years to 1994.
But lots of things happen before the second coming and the appearance of the "sign of the son of man." Even the "great tribulation" is over before the second coming as verse 29 says "Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days...the sign of the son of man will appear." So no way does the second coming happen as the very first event of the last generation. Another verse talks about the budding of a fig tree which represents the nation of Israel. It says the messiah would be "near at the doors" when the fig tree starts to bud. So for sure the second coming doesn't happen until after 1948 when the State of Israel (the fig tree) began to bud. So even the context of the second coming and the last generation is totally ignored by the WTS. By the way, this "great tribulation" was the HOLOCAUST.
So the Bible is true...the WTS is confused and in spiritual darkness these days. They are cast out. They are the "false prophet" soon to be cast into the lake of fire "while still alive."
What kind of time do we have? Well, if Christ returned in 1992, the same time Satan was cast out and he said he had a "short while" I think it's cutting it close. A generation is 40 years. Half a generation is 20 years. I can see 20 years as a short time. 20 years after 1992 is 2012. There's a lot of talk about 2012 and 2011 AD, so maybe some of those prophecies will come true and Armagedon will come by 2011 AD. At least that would be great, before the 20 years is up.
But that's the timeline.
Of coruse, even the Bible has to expire the "12th hour" which is from 1991-1998. The sealing of the elect by Christ before Armageddon has to occur as well and that wasn't complete until May 2008, so... There is nothing left to happen but the the destruction of Babylon the Great and then the 15-month wait until Armageddon.
We'll know BTG is destroyed by the UN when it destroys the WTS and the Federal Reserve. Then just 15 months to Armageddon. There are already those asking that the Federal Reserve to be ended. The UN is already in place to take over world rule.
wha happened?
I didn't know we had a WT writer on this board. Isn't it a delight to watch the spin?
I didn't know we had a WT writer on this board.
We don't. WT writers don't believe that they personally are the Messiah.
--Waves at Gary1914, Bibleman, Joshua1992, Anonymous GB member et al.
How ya doing man?
If that generation and the GB is in their 80's- 90's
The GB has 2 guys over 80, all the rest are mid-70's and below, there are 3 or 4 who are under 60.
There is no longer a time scale.
Door to Heaven Still Open + Latest Definition of "Generation" = Armageddon could be hundred of years away.
Many of the younger JWs are leading their lives in recognition of this. College, mortgages, vacations, kids, etc. Some of the old timers either haven't caught on or they're caught up in a delusion of self-deception and false urgency.
Once you understand the extent of the Mind Control, however, you realize that 80% of JWs are completely controlled, despite any dates/doctrines/facts/dogma/reality. They could print in the Watchtower the exact (false) date of Armageddon, and when it didn't happen, they would also buy the explanation and new prediction.
The "generation" teaching went out the window LONG ago. Someone can correct me on the exact date but it was something like 1994.
Mad ...
Yes, it was 1994, in the same time period as the Watchtower Setup.
Rub a Dub
In 1935 the JW's formally identified a group called the "Great Crowd." That identification was made in clear and unambiguous terms and these people were actually asked to stand up and be recognized at a summer convention.
In JW theology, this group lives to and survives the "Great Tribulation"
Unless and until the Great Crowd teaching is modified, there is a time scale that will not go away. And that time scale is very close to running out if it has not already.
They can play word games with the term "Generation" all they want. They can proclaim that the "Heavenly calling" is still open if it makes them happy. But neither of these things changes the fact that one of their core doctrines is joined like a Siamese twin to the idea that the end cannot be any further from 1914 than a lifespan.
It was the alleged proximity of the end that made the identification of the Great Crowd possible.
Unless and until the Great Crowd teaching is modified, there is a time scale that will not go away. And that time scale is very close to running out if it has not already.
Just a thought. . .
This would be a hard position to support, in print, would it not? We'd need to see an actual WT quote that says some of the folks living when the Great Crowd was identified will be alive during Aramgeddon, right?
Your thoughts make perfect sense to me, from the standpoint of what Revelation says. However, they consider the Great Crowd to be a class of people. As such, none of the original Great Crowd have to be alive when Armageddon happens.
I could be wrong.