I met the perfect man.....
by dearone 25 Replies latest jw friends
keyser soze
I can totally relate. I still kick myself over the one that got away. We worked together, and were constantly flirting back and forth. There was obviously something there, but I didn't want to pursue it any further because my being a JW would've complicated things too much. I got in touch with her recently on facebook. She's married with two kids.
White Dove
You are definately not alone. I married a "JW" at 18 and divorced after 8 years and 2 kids. He was a complete loser that wouldn't support us.
That was back in '94. That's 15 years alone. I've been single since and never once had a boyfriend. I'm 41. Yeah, I've kinda given up on ever meeting my match.
BUT...I raised my two kids on my own and with babysitting services from my mom, went to school and will graduate this December with a Master of Science in Justice Administration.
My advice to all who are desperate for a mate is to look at what you are presenting to your prospects. Better yourself and get settled into a career BEFORE doing anything in a family way.
That way, you may be able to meet men of higher calliber.
Not being hindered by a mate while going to school was the best thing that could have happened. But that's me and my experience. Some mates are wonderful study buddies and babysitters.
It's like winning the lottery to find one of those, however.
White Dove
All that's available, if any are, are window washers and janitors with enormous egos and others that will forbid your future children from ever going to college.
You could join a dating service and practice dating. I need the practice and will do that when I get moved to AZ.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love is the greatest of all things and to deny Love is to deny God.
and where did we meet????????????????
I'm looking for the perfect man. Or something close to it.............wf
I am 52 and married and I can safely say that having a good marriage depends on so much more than relgious beliefs. My wife could be a nudist moon worshipper and I could care less (hmm, maybe I will plant nudist moon worshipper literature around the house).
We have a great marriage because we are both fun loving, happy go lucky, big hearted people who love to laugh and make others feel happy.
If you have that certain something with a mate the religion won't be an issue.
THe WTBTS is so wrong about this issue, as most everything.
Go find you a man that makes your heart jump out of your skin and let love sort the rest out. Jehovah won't do it.
White Dove
Happy Guy,
That's such good advice! Religion, the fundies, anyway, make it hard on a marriage.
Dovey:) (of the nudist moon-worshipper class:)
Is the man married.......????? If he isn't than why not contact him???
Think about this.....there are more sisters married to UBMs than Witness men. Witness men aren't encouraged to get married but rather to 'reach-out' and there has been a 'man-shortage' for decades.
If you really really really want a JW hubby than start inquiring about SPs.....lots of Bethelites have been let go from their positions in the last three years. Many were offered SP privileges as severance packages.
Have you tried JWmatch? Considered taking several 'bethel tours' or going with a group of girl friends to the international DCs?
Frankly you have got to mingle, and beyond your own territory! Tell every woman in your congregation that you think it is time to get married and if they know any brothers of the same mind in your circuit to fix up a FS date (you, him, chaperone). This way yall can see if yall are compatible as a team during FS.
Get together with some other single and looking sisters and start visiting other congregations in your circuit and district.....(get a letter of introduction from your Elders, touting yall as fine upstanding morally steadfast sisters, or have your Elders call ahead of yall so that the other congregation can have someone host yall for a lunch meet and greet followed by FS)
Are you spiritual creditentials good? Do you pioneer or do enough FS (being selected for the privilege of presenting an experience at the assemblies/DC is a good way to garner attention from single JW men).
I can't help but think of the analogy of the man who is stuck in a flood and ask God to save him....... a boat comes by but he refuses, a helicopter comes to the rescue but he refuses.......and than he dies. When he is resurrected he asks God why he didn't save him.....and Jehovah in all seriousness says....I sent the weatherman to forecast the flood, a boat, and a helicopter.......(God helps those who apply themselves)