yes I believe in those 'Unidentified Flying Objects' they are out there, the explanations well that's a different story, I will tell you when we know for sure wat they are.
Do you belive in UFO's?
by highdose 25 Replies latest jw friends
Well I am going to assume alien life forms. I'm a sci fi buff so I am really interested in this kind of stuff.
Yes, I certainly believe in the possibility of alien life but I know that we just don't know for certain. Unless you subscribe to the area 51 theory or the men in black theory then in that case, someone knows. Those $400 hammers had to finance something.
Here is an interesting scenario that I thought of if indeed we discover sentient life elsewhere and made contact.
Would racism expand to the include aliens? Given our history, most likely.
What about sexual relations with an extra-terrestial, could the concept of 'beastiality' include humans having sexual relations with extra-terrestials? Given the fact that this would be considered inter-species mating some diehard religious leaders would certainly argue this to be so.
How would this affect religious faith? Would the extra-terrestrials have a belief system similar to one of ours? If so, then would that strengthen the case for that belief system being the true one? Or would the extra-terrestrials be like us with many belief systems or would they have discarded supernatural faith as a whole?
You mean do I believe there are Unindentified Flying Objects? Sure I do. But if you ask do I believe they are from Mars the answer is no
There are too many things in Ancient history, legends and myths, that show an extra terrestrial influence on this plannet. Egyptians, Sumerians, Greeks, Aztecs, Inkas, Mayias.
If we are the only inteligent entities in this vast universe then too much space is going for waste...
If we are the only inteligent entities in this vast universe then too much space is going for waste
that argument presupposes that space was designed, if that is the case then yes, if it was not then argument is a moot point. But I agree numbers are on the side of the strong possibility of life being developed elsewhere too
I wonder whether the UFO's are actually US, coming back in our time machines to take a look at how bad things actually got before our enlightenment as a race.