How did they know if someone was Circumcised?

by RubaDub 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    So as not to hijack the current "Paul" thread, I'll comment here. Paul spoke about circumcision numerous times and even circumcised Timothy.

    Not to make light of the topic, but I have always wondered, how did anyone know if someone else was circumcised??? I have been a JW my entire life and will honestly tell you that I don't know which brothers are circumcised and which are not.

    I mean, did guys back then watch each other at the urinals or peek in the windows when someone was getting dressed? To get into the temple, did they have to form a line and take off their pants to enter ??? Or was it like airport security where you have to show ID (in their cases, their dicks) to the person at the door to gain entrance ??? If you struck up a conversation with a stranger, at what point was it proper to ask, "Nice to meet you. May I see your dick?"

    It seems like in the Bible, everyone knew who was circumcized and who was not.

    I just never quite figured that out. Any ideas ?

    Rub a Dub

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    They would just let it hang out there uncovered,

    it would just blend with all the tassels on their garments.

  • DJK

    I never knew if circumcism was required as a JW. Is that a requirement for baptism? If so, I think you would have to (being polite) provide proof.

    hmmmm, maybe that's what they were doing in the back room before a big assembly.

  • frankiespeakin

    Seems like male penis envy was in full swing even ancient biblical times. I wonder what kind of interpretation a Freudian psychologist would bring to this issue that is so prominent in the bibles pages. I really think the apostle had a bad case of male penis envy.

  • blondie

    I believe that 99.999% of Gentiles were not circumcised and 99.999999% of Jews were. So just knowing their cultural background was a big clue.

  • JWoods

    In light of a comment above by DJK -

    Of course we might need to remember that with the JWs, circumcision is NOT required. It is, however, strongly favored by editorial opinion in the Watchtower publications.

    My own opinion is that the current WT leadership would require it if they could, but are blocked because it is obviously not a biblical requirement.

  • undercover
    My own opinion is that the current WT leadership would require it if they could, but are blocked because it is obviously not a biblical requirement.

    You're giving them too much credit. They'd probably require all men (at least MSs on up) to be eunuchs but are blocked because it is obviously not a biblical requirement.

  • Elsewhere

    Simple: People Talk

    If only one person happened to catch a glimpse they would go around letting the rumor mill know about it. Before you know it some sort of "elder" or "authority" would be demanding a look.

  • trueblue
  • minimus

    Great question. I think Blondie's answer makes sense.....but one had to be sure.

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