Well, it's brand new, because even though it is copyrighted 1988, this book which I picked up at a Salvation Army Store today, has probably never been opened. It IS brand new, even though it is 21 years old! Is it worth anything? Do I have any bids? Only kidding, Simon.
Okay, I would like to know if there are any "goody" quotes in it. I glanced through it, and found a lot of "good stuff" on the wild beast, (UN), which is gold to me, but there must be more. I hear this is what the W.T. is studying (again), and I must have the "old" version, so are there any changes that I can compare this book to the new one with?
As I was skimming thru the pages, I came across a quote that the W.T. quotes from the bible.
P. 246...."What is John's reaction at seeing the great harlot and her fearsome mount"? He himself answers. "Well, on catching site of her I wondered with great wonderment". (revelation 17:6b).
I laughed so hard when I read this, I couldn't stop! If I was working in the printing department of the Watchtower Society, I would have been embarassed to copy this absolute dump quote, (even if it's true) into the Watchtower books! It sounds like a quote taken from a 5 year old kids school book. (No offense, five year olds, you are supposed to talk like this). But, come on! Is this all they can say about John's reaction to the great harlot and her wild beast? Not even "Holy $hit"!, or "WTF"?
I can't wait to read more in this book. I hope there are a lot of changes in what was written in this version, to the new one they are studying. If there is, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you, and finding out what the changes are.