"Is It Latter Than You Think" Article in Awake

by Leprechaun 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    They can't even do the proper research to find out just why crime creeped into the previously calm and quiet areas of cities. As the rich moved out, the poor moved in. Crime simply transfered from one area to another. Classical theory of crime and the Broken Windows explains this. Crime didn't go up, rather, it transfered from one area to another. Methods of documenting and tracking crime has changed, as well, making some areas appear as if crime went up or down, when it stayed the same in commission. Baby boomers also increased the crime rate in areas with their sheer numbers. Now, however, crime really IS going down, partly because of the boomers aging out of crime.

    While they are downgrading college for the rank and file, they are also downgrading it for the writers of the mags. With no opportunities for REAL comments from readers, they can keep the mags dummed down with no checks and balances.

    I'm still floored with how shortsighted, shallow, and empty the writing really is. They keep the sheeple blinded to the real world with that rule of only doing research in WTS publications.

  • Fatfreek

    I have it on reliable sources that the following was on their drawing board.

    World Trade Center, Watchtower view

  • glenster
  • Word

    Original airdate March 4, 2001

    Scenario :

    While The Lone Gunmen attempts to steal a computer chip, John Fitzgerald Byers receives news of his father's death and the trio soon find themselves unraveling a government conspiracy in which an attempt to fly a commercial aircraft into the World Trade Center would result in increased arms sales for the United States.


    Coincidence ? Only a fool would say !

  • vivalavida

    There is also in spanish a song by Ricardo Arjona that has some similarities to what happened in NYC. However, when asked about it, Arjona said, if you have read or watch the news and have a fairly normal brain, it should've been clear that something like this would eventually happen.

    Here is an interesting link to the matter: http://paranormal.about.com/library/weekly/aa092401b.htm


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