So many of you ex's are well educated. I am not, yet I am teaching English in a Chinese College . The school motto in Chinese translated by a Chinese English teacher reads "Steadfast in the purpose and strict in the enforcement, reverent in the morals and good at skills". I know. what we call Chinglish. I will reword it, but what I would like is a Latin phrase that says essentially the same thing. Give the college a touch of class Any help would be much appreciated Bob
Latin Scholars I need help with a school motto
by Luo bou to 15 Replies latest jw friends
How about
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem
Sorry, never took Latin.
If possible, try to reduce the motto to three or four words. Most Latin mottos are that long.
Some examples:
E Pluribus Unum: Of Many, One - United States Motto
Semper Fidelis (or Semper Fi): Always Faithful - US Marines Motto
Notice how they are simple and to the point.
You can use the following to create a motto:
Very funny Caedes! "In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags"
How about using "Steadfast in the purpose" to make: Stabilis in voluntas
The full translation is: Stabilis in voluntas quod intentus in enforcement , reverens in mores quod bonus procul solers
Nathan Natas
Hi Luo bou to,
I would agree with Elsewhere that the motto should be more concise.
I would offer that "Steadfast in the purpose and strict in the enforcement, reverent in the morals and good at skills" could be reduced to "Resolute, Disciplined, Reverent and Skillful".
Alas, I am not a Latin scholar, but I would suggest something like:
Destinatus, Instructus, Reverens, Quod Peritus
Dour old Caedes!
Luo bou to
Thanks for your help Nathan & Elsewhere
Caedes....bad tiger
Sic Semperis Cerveza
Simon Morley
Ars longa vita brevis fermentum semper fermentum - Art is long, life is short but beer is always beer.