In the congregation bible study for the week of Nov 30, the subject of Christmas is studied (along with Easter, Birthdays, and Halloween), but under the subheading related to Christmas being a pagan holiday, Jesus not being born on Dec 25, yadda yadda, the point is brought out that true christians give out of love, not out of compulsion or on any specific day (not the exact quote mind you)
True christians give out of all the "bad" christians who give presents to family and friends and loved ones on Christmas don't do so because they love those to whom they give gifts, but rather because they have to...because its Dec 25...?
Really? Is this the kind of tactic the WTS has employed to maintain control of their followers? Actually implying that only THEY give gifts out of love, that the billions of other people on this earth that give each other gifts do it only because its "that time of year"?!!!!!