I believe that everyone has an opportunity to wake up to "the truth."
Most who leave the religion do not typically just start reading anti-JW information.
Some do realize a problem with WT literature, and wake up that way. Many others are effected by the lack of love or a bad situation with the congregation or a conflict with the command to shun. Others are kicked out for committing WT-defined sins, then learn that something was wrong with the religion. They don't have to understand 607 BCE to learn that a vast majority of credible people scoff at it. They don't have to understand the JW blood doctrine to know that a loving God would not provide a means to keep some children alive then punish those who use it.
Certainly, the "smart thinking people" have an opportunity to leave, but they have a handicap themselves.
They think they already "know" the GB is right. (Believing JW doctrine is all about being 'right' more than anything else.)
Many will look at scientific evidence of evolution and only look for flaws, holes in the theories. They will dismiss clear evidence that Man has been around much longer than 6000 years, there could not have been a worldwide flood 5000 years ago, the Jews came out of the Caananites and did not have a mass exodus from Egypt. Those that don't study any of these ideas might get out faster because they 'feel' something wrong about the religion, while the 'thinkers' stay because science and archaeology haven't got it all figured out.