When things promised in the Bible, or implied in the Bible, clash with reality, I do not have any respect for the Bible as a source of authority. Reading the book of Job, seeing the happy resolution in that case, and seeing a bad outcome in my own case makes me realize that every single "blessing" and prayer answering in the Bible was put there as a stock answer. Instead of expecting fulfillment now, you are supposed to look at where someone else in the Bible has undergone what you want. And, when it does not happen for you, you still have to be thankful because Jehovah has demonstrated that He can (but will NOT) do it for you.
Once that happens, and especially if it happens to me more than once, I totally disregard the Bible as more than further proof that the Washtowel does not abide by it as they claim to. This adds one more layer for the Washtowel to be a bad religion: They do not adhere to what they claim to, and the source they do claim to adhere to is faulty.