To The Son of Mary

by IslandWoman 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    What do you mean here?

    , spoke truth and gave his life for that truth.
    Doesn't this contradict what you said before about not beleiving his miracles??
    How could you beleive him,and not beleive him at the same time.
    Or are you saying you only beleive certain things he said that are recorded in the Bible. How do you know which words to beleive and which words not to beleive?

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • tyydyy

    It doesn't make one a hypocrite to celebrate christmas when they don't believe in Jesus any more than it does to celebrate christmas even though they don't believe in Santa Claus. I celebrate Christmas cause it's fun. Imagine that. I'm touching the unclean thing. The biggest difference between now an when I was a witness is: I don't give a rat's ass about religious purity. It's not hypocritical to celebrate something you don't believe in. It's harmless fun. Just like Halloween.


  • IslandWoman

    D wiltshire,

    Someone who was identified as a man named Jesus spoke good things, these things, these principles, I believe in.

    The reported miracles are not verifiable, the truth of the teachings of love and fairness are. Our hearts verify them! In other words the teachings of love remain and are recognized as good, the miracles do not remain and therefore the reports of them cannot be verified.


    Would you also say that the GB are not hypocrites if they continue to act as if they are of the anointed when they know they are not?

    When the world itself openly acknowledges that Christmas is just a fun festival, one which has nothing to do with religion, then I will agree with you. But so long as society recognizes that participation in Christmas is a recognition of the birth of the Christ by those participating, it is then a hypocritical participation for those who do not believe.

    Personal convictions are irrelevant, participation in the Christmas ritual MARKS individuals as Christian just as participating in Ramadan marks individuals as Muslim in their respective societies.


  • unclebruce

    Good morning Bro.Wiltshire,

    Spokesman for the Austrailians are ya?

    In the matter of thier character yes. (i wasn't presuming to say what australians think)


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Uncle Brewsky,
    Was it morning in Australia when you wrote? I get all confused with this round the world instantaneous comunication.


    So his teaching of love are true only?

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • IslandWoman

    D wiltshire,

    For me, yes!!! He was a fine man, a great man, a loving man, but just a man. Now, this truly is greatness: To be just a man and yet to rise above others in his love for his fellows! He saw injustice and was willing to give his life to rectify it! Yes, this is greatness!!!


  • unclebruce
    Was it morning in Australia when you wrote?

    Yes Bro.Wiltshire, down here we greet people "good afternoon" after the sun goes over the yardarm. lol.

    I get all confused with this round the world instantaneous comunication.
    I used a world clock for a while, mainly so i knew when to put Eligah the caveman to bed or to give the Farkelmeister his morning insult now i just wing it and pretend you all live next door


    Island Woman, I like your Jesus. (even though he is the typical tragic hero of myth and legend from time immemorial) Not being keen on the way his legend has been misused througout the ages, i've chosen other folk heros as my chiveraic ideal but each to her own

    True fluff poster, n. - Someone who posts long boring articles predicting the imminent demise of the watchtower or the world in general. one mans fluff is another man's pillow

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