Honestly, Do You Judge Someone Because Of Their Color Or Nationality?

by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    One of the first baby dolls I gave my granddaughter was a cute little black baby doll. She still has it in her car seat and if you try to take her doll from her she says, "MY baby!!" Typically little children are color blind. Unfortunately, when some get older, they are influenced by negativity with regard to race.

    What about us? Are we influenced by color or nationality?

  • RR

    I was never influenced by anyone, although I remember my mom telling me, "I don't care who you marry, as long as she's Puerto Rican and Catholic." LOL

    MOst of my friends were non hispanic and I only dated one hispanic. In fact when I lived in Puerto Rico I dated an Italian girl. My wife is a German born Haitian who was raised in Zaire.

    If I don't like someone it's not because of their skin color or religion, it's about what they do.



    I have Friends of All Colours..

    I hate anyone from ..

    The planet Mars

    Hammer Head ..PLANET IDIOT.. Hammer Head

    ......................... ...OUTLAW

  • jaguarbass

    I dont know about me, but I work in a jail. Yesterday was beat up caucassians day.

    They were supposed to have another one today durning rec yard, so causassians were asking me to lock them

    up so they wouldnt get hurt.

    Some call it a riot.

    Actually its not called beat up caucassian day. When you read the incident report it just says 8 inmates

    attacked helpless caucassians who were not doing anything and could not defend themselves.

    Is causcassian a color? Or nationality?

  • VoidEater

    Not much, to be honest. I'm much more interested in how an individual behaves.

    Well, I must admit one thing: I tend to like certain accents, so maybe I'm predisposed to think more highly of certain people until I see their behaviors.

  • flipper

    Nope. Not at all. If I judge at all - I judge people by their character and how they treat others

  • beksbks

    Just Southerners

  • minimus

    I think we DO develop certain prejudices, whether we realize it or not. Some take pride in their "awareness" of color and culture.

  • dig692

    I don't judge people on skin color or nationality. I see with my eyes the color of their skin and might have an idea what their nationality is, just like I see with my eyes the color and make of a car, or the color and species of an animal. But that doesn't do anything to make me think of that person a certain way or judge what they must be like.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Muslim men from the Middle East used to make me nervous. Now, having found out that most of the terrorism that happens in America is by Americans, I'm not so nervous around them anymore.

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