This afternoon I was reading newsweek, and Smithsonian magazine online, and there were two video's on the sites that really caused a massive conflict in me.
One video was about the 3rd and 4th generations of children living in Viet Nam who had grandparents, and great-grandparents who had to deal with agent orange back in the 1960's. Sorry I can't find the video now. It was so horrible looking at the young children who never will have any type of a decent life because of the problems they inherited from this stuff.
Then I was reading the Smithsonian Magazine and there was a vidoe about illegal wildlife trade in the world:
Watch the video "African Ape smuggling" about halfway down the page
So needless to say, I was slightly disheartened about life after watching these two videos. A part of me wanted to do something such as send in some money, to help the kids and animals, but a little voice kept nagging me while watching that said "don't get involved, god will take care of these problems WITHOUT your help.
After being a witness for 30 years, I remember the mantra of focusing on the new system to end all the problems. Getting involved in any way would be a total waste of time. Don't send in money or get involved because jehovah will soon wipe away all types of problems like these.
Yet now I wonder what I could have done in other avenues of charity work if I had a bit more of a backbone in my earlier years.
No doubt I would have gotten involved in other areas such as local food pantries, big brother, and more animal welfare areas.
But even though I have been out of the jw religion now for around two years, that little voice from the wt organization still raises its ugly head when I think about helping someone/something in a charitable way.
I realize that I need to "break" the mold and move on, yet I am curious,,,,, how long did it take you to finally move on and be able to freely do something out of the feeling found deep within your soul and not have the wt diverting all of your thoughts and energies into what they wanted you to be focusing on ??