Bible really word of God (Cont.)...

by AGuest 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin


    I think perhaps it is time for you to face the reality about your imaginary freinds. Face it squarely because the truth is they are only in your head sure you may be prone to interpet these messages as coming from out side your self but take a real good honest look.

  • purplesofa

    You weasel out of "lying" by believing

    an Aha moment!!!

  • Walkin

    AGUEST. I want you to explain to me what your God has to say about my comments. I don't want you to use the same old responses to everyone else.

    Ask your God to response to what Walkin has written to you about his making contact with you and not the res tof the world.

    Ask him for me, to pay me a visit and if he can't, why not?


  • garyneal


    Peace to you as well. Personally, I understand to a certain degree what you are saying. I remember many times how I have prayed for things or for understanding and it has been revealed to me. Sometimes indirectly through an event or a person giving a message and sometimes directly in my mind via my conscious as if God Himself is speaking to me through His Holy Spirit. As frankie stated, though, sometimes the speaker is manifested in my mind in the form of imaginary friend I had since childhood. Perhaps I am simply looking inside myself as he suggests or perhaps God is using this image to communicate with me. Frankly, what concerns me is what others say it may be, because people like Sylvia Brown is famous for her 'spirit guide' revealing answers to her and some have suggest that what I experience may be this. Perish the thought because I believe that chick to be a false psychic and a false prophet claiming the title Christian but holding to some views that resemble mormanism to a degree and committing the gnostic heresy.

    At any rate, I have felt like I had a close relationship with God that seems somewhat diminished now. I don't believe that the Father and the Son are the same person though at one time I use to believe this. Learning the true nature about the trinity gave me better insight but I will also concede that the trinity doctrine (being one God in three persons) is not exactly taught in the Bible, but inferred due to the Deity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. In other words, no one verse in the Bible teaches God as one existing as three persons (1 John 5:7 in the KJV not withstanding).

    I've witnessed strange things in the churches I've attended over the years. Out of order tongues and prophecying being the main ones as well as being slain in the spirit. When these don't line up with the Bible, it makes me wonder what is really behind that. A show or perhaps something more sinister like a demon? I guess in the end I just keep coming back to the timeless wisdoms that Jesus preached up on the mountain, primarily the beatitudes as well as love for one another and our enemies. These words of wisdom seem to cut across all religious and secular philisophies. Since I have a tendency to believe in the supernatural I doubt I could ever see myself becoming an atheist and since I was brought up in a Judeo-Christian culture, I will most likely continue to be a Christian in spite of its logical fallacies. I guess it is just my faith.

  • HappyGuy

    Maybe this dude's dog is telling him these things.

  • garyneal

    Maybe this dude's dog is telling him these things.

    If you are referring to me, I don't have a dog. I had several when I was a child so which dog are you referring to? I also had several cats, perhaps one of them?

    Honestly, I would challenge anyone to come up with an explanation for some unexplained events. Frankly, I feel that everyone believes in some higher power even it is little more than the random forces of blind chance or the cause and effect principle that governs the universe. Some people believe in the universe itself. So is it luck, karma, fate, or chance?

  • Inkie

    Dear Walkin

    You write and ask: "So, every religion, formed from culture, in every nation and handed down through the ages is wrong."

    To answer simply: Yes. A religion (if you choose to use that particular word) is true if it comes from "the God"—Yes? Any other source would be false—Yes? So then, if, as you say: "[E]very religion, formed from a culture" contrary to coming from "the God", yes, it indeed would be false. Is that so hard for you to fathom?

    You write:

    "Only you have the truth, out of billions of good and honest persons around the world through all time, its [sic] you that this Holy One has spoken to."

    AGuest did not state this. You are much mistaken. And as such, your conclusion that "[o]nly you have the truth" is in error. There are others who have the truth (Christ), as well. In addition, Christ said that ‘no one is good except the Father.’ Thus, no one on earth is good—so again your statement regarding "good" persons around the world ‘through all time’ is also in error. Not only that, but the Holy One of Israel—Jah or Armies—has spoken to many others "around the world through all time" and even to this very self-same day. Again, your conclusion that Jah speaks only to AGuest is in error.

    You write: "I cannot wrap my mind around all that you say about your relationship with Jehovah, God, Jesus, etc."

    That, unfortunately, is not AGuest’s problem—it’s yours.

    You write: "All other faiths and religions wherein people have given their lives for, these people lived and died for nothing if what you say is true."

    Yep! That’s true. Do you find this so hard to believe? The apostle John wrote that there are basically two kinds of people on earth—the Children of God and the Children of the Devil. We belong basically to one of those fathers. The majority of human inhabitants on earth are Children of the Devil. Few are Children of God. So, in harmony with what has been written concerning this subject, this conclusion of yours is correct—they "lived and died for nothing."

    You write: "You get all this truth and knowledge about all the subjects you disclosed that God educated you on in His conversations with you only and science and all other teachings got it wrong."

    Kind of looks that way, doesn’t it?

    You write: "We must listen to AGUEST!"


    (What level is your reading comprehension?) AGuest has stated over and over and over again that the one YOU MUST LISTEN TO IS CHRIST! Where did you ever get that one "must listen to AGUEST
  • Inkie

    Walkin, you make many erroneous conclusions.

    You write: "Jews and all the various faiths that don't accept this Jewish God and this Jewish Jesus who have made no contact with the rest of the world must now believe AGUEST!"

    No, that is not what AGuest said. You don’t seem to be all that bright. AGuest has stated countless times that you must go to Christ, hear Christ, listen to Christ, believe Christ, trust Christ, go to . . . go to . . . go to . . . the Christ. Now, yes, AGuest has told everyone on this Board the things the Christ has told her; however, she has always said for you . . . for you . . . for you . . . to go to the Christ. Is that too hard to comprehend? I mean really?

    You write: "Like Doubting Thomas, unless I, not you, put my hand in his side and in the holes in his feet and hands, I will not believe."

    Okay. Like Thomas, that certainly is your prerogative.

    You write: Remember Thomas was rewarded not punished for saying this. He received a special visit from Jesus. . . ."

    Well then, Walkin, let us hope that you too receive a special visit from Jesus. That would be a very good thing, yes?


  • AGuest

    Dearest Walkin, may you have peace!

    So, every religion, formed from culture, in every nation and handed down through the ages is wrong.

    Sorry, but… yes. Excluding pre-corrupt Judaism. At some point, however, even they turned corrupt, which is why my Lord condemned it and its practices. Now, I know this is probably hard for you (and many others) to hear… but I cannot lie to you. And although I don’t usually comport with anything else the man said, I have to admit that J. Rutherford’s statement, “Religion is a snare and a racket,” was accurate.

    Only you have the truth, out of billions of good and honest persons around the world through all time…

    Heck, no! Where did you ever get THAT idea?? I am just ONE member in the Body of Christ. There are indeed others. Always have been (well, since Abel). Who said I was the ONLY one?


  • AGuest

    its you that this Holy One has spoken to.

    Well, yeah, me… and others. I get that you probably don’t know that I say this because you probably have only read this particular post. I would really appreciate it, however, if you wouldn’t jump to such finite conclusions and perhaps instead read what I’ve posted… here AND elsewhere…

    I cannot wrap my mind around all that you say about your relationship with Jehovah, God, Jesus, etc.

    And that YOU cannot wrap YOUR mind around what I’ve shared here regarding my relationship with Christ, and God through Christ, is supposed to be MY fault? The question, dear one, is NOT why is Christ speaking to me; it is why ISN’T he speaking to YOU. Only HE (well, and maybe you) know the answer to that.

    All other faiths and religions wherein people have given their lives for, these people lived and died for nothing if what you say is true.

    Dear Walkin’… you don’t have to take my word for it. If you are one of those who put your faith in the Bible, you can take ITS word for it: Matthew 7:21, 22; Luke 6:46, 13:25… I must say, though, that I find it interesti

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