dgp - Thats a difficult question to answer bec as a dub we are taught to close our eyes and ears to anything that the org dont teach. Even in the Bible Teach book, very early on those who are studying are taught to ignore any outside negative influence. When I am da'd I intend to try and get out my best friend and my husband. I am not sure at this moment how I am going to do it. But I personally favour the drip drip drip affect - the same way that cult got me brainwashed in the first place.
No natural affection? Jehovahs Witnesses fulfill this scripture
by jambon1 17 Replies latest jw friends
To me, this is one of the big reasons, I consider JWs a "dangerous" religion and this issue needs to be exposed widely.
Def a dangerous religion. Years and years later I am still working on repairing and appreciating family relationships that have suffered due to this barbaric , mean belief of the JW's. When your old and sick who will be there for you? Definitely not your so called bro and sis in the WTS its your family that will be your blood and nothing can replace that ever.
I really have come to regret the years that went by when I had no contact with my family members who were df'd, I'll never be able to make up for that. I am really appreciative that my family members who were df'd at a very young age didn't take their own life, but struggled and made it on their own. They showed that they were way stronger than the WTS could ever have made them.
They take the scrip to the extreme that " there exists a friend sticking closer than a bro" or something like that, taking one text and blowing it out of proportion they are really good at that.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
yellow: "the best bit was you never knew what they were D/F for and they hadn,t done anything personally to me."
And even if you did know and thought the elders were full of sh!t, you still had to do as you were told or you would be DFd, too. And that's just stupid and unscriptural on so many levels. Like Jesus would endorse the procedure that nobody is allowed to talk to someone, even an immediate family member, based on a decision made by 3 janitors. It's basic cult tactics, right there. There's no room for natural affection unless the cult leaders tell you so.
Billy, just a comment on your post. If affection cannot come "unless the cult leaders tell you so", then it's not affection. Again, it's just following the leader.
How sad.
Hiding Questioner
"But these freaks glorify in it. Wearing it like a badge of honour as if they are actually doing it for god."
I was just out in my monthly token fake FS this morning and one of the gloating topics of conversation was how we divide familities and how this was prophesed by Jesus i.e. "I came to cause division" (Luke 12:51) and, as a result, how such events are truely a sign that "we" have "the Truth" (tm). This is how they explain away and justify their abandoning conduct. It was all I could do to sit there and hear this cruel uncaring attitude.
Not sure how much more of this I can take.
Funny thing, I found out yesterday that the elder who hounded me after leaving the jws (trying to disfellowship me) has been in and out of a mental hospital for years. It got me thinking about the elders I remember. There were only one or two that didn't show signs of mental illness or at least personality disorder.
So, a large part of my family won't speak to me because of the decisions of unstable individuals...
Mad Sweeney
Excellent point about the mental health angle. When you're just a rank and filer not really "reaching out" you might not notice as much because you don't cross paths with the guys in charge very often, or outside of ritual meeting behaviors (which are loony enough). When you "reach out" and aspire to become a MS and then actually become a lackey for the elders, then you see just how twisted their groupthink is.
I thank the "Holy Spirit" for appointing me a MS because otherwise I'd probably never have seen up close what a bunch of tools and ignoramuses are running our lives.
Can't wait until I can get my parents, wife, and kids out. I'll be right behind them...