Have you ever noticed how the ones that don't celebrate the holidays or give gifts are very quick to accept them from employers, etc? My mom for instance is already talking about what she will use her Christmas bonuses for but frowns on the ones doing the giving. Seems kinda hypocritical to me.
Accepting Christmas gifts
by crapola 13 Replies latest jw friends
Just like they take fractions from donated blood but don't give blood.
Seems totally hypocritical to me.
On the other hand, we are all hypocritical to some degree.
The JW's are hypocritical in sooooo many ways including that one. I always wondered why a JW ex or retired military man would take all the benefits the military had to offer and yet be the first ones to condemn the military?! But I never heard of or seen one of them give back their retirement check or stop shopping on the base or use the medical benefits. Even me being a jw and my husband in the military would justify it by saying "that's what my husband provides for me so........." And yet secretly I loved the military and all it had to offer. Ask your mom if she'd be willing to give her x-mas bonus back!.............wf
Good point on the military retirement checks and all. I know a man retired from the military but takes full advantage of the "benefits".
White Dove
That's because JH uses unrighteous ones to provide for his people.
That's because JH uses unrighteous ones to provide for his people.
I used to bristle at that. Heck, I just did bristle at that remark. Then I remember that we are considered unrighteous only in the eyes of Jehovah's Witnesses. Personally, this 'unrighteous' person support his spouse and helps support her sister and niece because I feel that it is a God given duty of mine to support my family and those less fortunate than me.
In the end, there is only one judge for all of mankind.
Garyneal, you are so right.We should'nt judge anyone and I thought about this topic I started and I guess I was judging my mother and others for accepting Christmas gifts and other things and I should'nt do that.
It's so hard to change old habits!
That's because JH uses unrighteous ones to provide for his people.
I still bristle at that hypocrisy. The Bible teaches giving to others, not being slothful and expecting others to support us. The righteous ones are those who give freely, the unrighteous are those who expect others to give to them while offering as little as possible themselves. Consider Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 40:28-30 [New Jerusalem translation]:
My child, do not live by sponging off others, better be dead than be a sponger. A life spent in eyeing someone else's table cannot be accounted a life at all. Other peoples' food defiles the gullet, a wise, well-brought-up person will beware of doing this. What a sponger says may sound very sweet, but in his belly there burns a fire.
The witlesses will accept a gift, or a "holiday bonus", as part of their compensation. They will take a gift at Christmas as readily as any other time of year. However, if Brother Hounder catches any of them giving the gift at Christmas time, an all-expense paid trip to the back room will ensue.
In fact, there are so many ways the witlesses skirt the Christmas issue. While the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is pushing a zero tolerance policy toward Christmas, many witlesses find ways to get around it. You will see them eating turkey and ham, drinking eggnog, and consuming varieties of foods that only come around near the holidays. You can see them having gift day, usually a ways away from Christmas Day and in plain wrapping paper. Some of them even play certain Christmas songs (you know, the ones that are winter themed). Some will drive around to look at the Christmas lights, or even display chandeliers with prisms that separate the light into nearly as many different spots as real Christmas lights.
This is known as "clean labeling". As with monosodium glutamate in foods, all they do is take out the monosodium glutamate and add ingredients they know damn well have glutamate as a major constituent and will do the same thing. Well, the witlesses do the same thing when it comes to Christmas. They frequently get around the rules by doing something with a couple of the elements stripped out, but it does the same thing. Which makes me feel it's only a matter of time before the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is going to come down hard on this sort of "clean label" Christmas.
This thread reminds of a time at a previous position when one of the admins did not get a christmas gift because she was JW. She was highly offended and submitted a complaint. The professional staff contributed to a general pool that was used to buy gifts for support staff but we used a concierge service to actually buy the gifts. I always contributed as I considered it as a 'thank you for the work you did this year".
Turns out that her manager requested the service rewrap the gift and deliver it to the JW after the holiday so as not to offend her. This made total sense as the JW declined to participate in the holiday grab bag that the admins were going have among themselves. Of course this led everyone to talk about their JW relatives and how they are ready to accept but rarely give, if ever.
Classic JW behavior.