C.O.'s: Why Are Elders Such Cowards?

by metatron 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    The stories never stop. Abusive, egotistical, demanding, ungrateful and arrogant Circuit Overseers all over the place and "men" -the elders - take it.

    I have seen a number of these itinerant predators offend entire congregations with their behavior and I can count the incidents where elders actually showed some b@lls and stood up to them on one hand. Why are elders such cowards? Considering the tiresome burdens of being an elder, you would think somebody would be eager to get removed for making an issue about their behavior.

    Among the few who showed courage was an elder who had a terminal disease who spoke up and contradicted one of these jerks. Another (who had lots of money) handed him cash and told him he "loved his enemies"!

    Does it really take impending demise or a huge bank account to manifest a little backbone? Make my day and fire me, you childless, broke-a$$, tin pot dictator......


  • tenyearsafter

    But how do you really feel Metatron?

  • HappyGuy

    WEll, i wasn't an elder but I stood up to one of these dictators when the CO was gladly accepting a $60,000 RV and $40,000 truck that he did not need when an elderly sister was going to be homeless. I confronted him and said "So, I heard that one of the reasons that my suggestion that this money be used instead to get sister xxxx a decent place to live is that you objected to it. What scriptural basis do you have for taking money that you dont need to replace equipment that is still quite good while an elderly widow goes homeless?"

    The CO acted like I wasn't talking to him and just kept moving toward his car, I ran around him and blocked access to the car door and said "WELL, I want an answer." Then the CO told me I was being insubordinate. I said "I'm not an elder so you have no power over me so how can I be insubordiante?". I finally just left in disgust as the CO made it clear that he was not going to answer my question.

  • JeffT

    Ever been in a fight with an arrogant middle manager at work? Unless he's already pissed off the guy above him, its a fight you are going to lose. The CO's are closer to the top, and I'm sure their version of any dispute is what will be believed; at least until they accumulate a sizable record.

  • TMS


    As you note, there have been a few who would speak up when the situation merited. Most of us were too concerned about our standing, speaking assignments at the next circuit or district assembly, etc. Another emasculating factor is the "respect for those taking the lead" and "double honor" BS, you know the Aaron/Moses thing.

    On an occasion many years ago, I politely disagreed with a CO during an elder's meeting. After the meeting, one arrogant kiss ass who had just been appointed city overseer tried to ignite a "disrespect for a circuit overseer" lynch mob, but the furor quickly dissipated.

    I thought of several examples of elder courage after reading your post. I will relate just one from the 70's: Gerald Grizzle was serving as a district overseer and met with the elders. He had a prepared outline from the society which he kept to carefully. As we know the 70's presented a lot of dress and grooming issues. The outline recommended that elders take note of how folks were dressed and groomed when attending church services in our respective communities, the idea being that JW's should reflect at least that standard if not being even more conservative. One very young elder raised his hand and was acknowledged. I still remember his words almost verbatum: "Brother Grizzle, with all due respect, since when do we allow Christendom to set the standard for anything we do?" You could see the blood rush to Grizzle's face. He folded up the outline and aborted the meeting, saying something to the effect that he could see that instructions from the faithful and discreet slave were not being given appropriate honor.



  • frankiespeakin

    I feel you Met.

    There is something detestable about wimps but bravery against all odds that strikes a cord in the heart of men:


  • freddo

    If you believe jw doctrine and "being appointed by holy spirit" of the CO and yourself - and I suppose most elders sat in a meeting with a CO do - then that puts the brakes on them speaking out. If a CO rides roughshod over a body of elders in those circumstances then anyone speaking out will be quickly crushed by the CO's "authority" and the elders compliance with "Jehovah's arrangement".

    If you don't beleive all the above rubbish and you're still on the body then Jeff T's "middle manager" scenario in his post above is absolutely spot on. I know this from being in exactly that position. When I resigned as an elder in around 2004 it was due to a strong difference of opinion with the CO and the other elders simply did a lot of handwringing and basically said they would keep their heads down for a couple of years and wait for the CO to "move on." When he left they actually asked me to go back on the body but I was free and clear and still well thought of in the congregation so declined.

    Back then I still beleived (gullible fool that I was) enough that if the Holy Spirit was really involved then that CO would be removed at the end of his three year slot (which was due up in 2006) because his behaviour - arrogance, going overtime bigtime, shouting on the platform - was being whispered about in all the congregations in our circuit and being brought up with the DO and the branch. But no ... He went on to another circuit and did exactly the same and has just been sent to another one where he is up to his old tricks again. (Ecclesiastes 8 v 11 )

    So for me, standing up to the CO was the best thing I ever did - I resigned from being an elder on the service committee and had no more group to look after or regional build responsibilities - and just sat back. But if anyone wants action taken against a CO they'd better have big gun back up and a cast iron case of almost judicial proportions.

  • sir82
    Considering the tiresome burdens of being an elder, you would think somebody would be eager to get removed for making an issue about their behavior.

    That's just it - despite the burdens, being an elder - being important in at some some aspect in their lives - is the most valuable thing these guys (most of them anyway) have.

    Remember, these guys are (for the most part) undereducated & underemployed. They don't strive for advancement at work (to keep their lives "simple") and don't join any outside organizations (to keep "separate from the world"). Being an elder is the one thing - THE only one thing - that makes them feel a little bit special.

    "Well, maybe my mortgage is underwater, and I have $40,000 in credit card debt, and I've driven the same POS car for the past 15 years, and I'm utterly bored at work, and have no meaningful relationships with anyone, and my kids hate me....but, hey, hey, I've got a part on the next circuit assembly!"

    You think somebody in that position is going to stand up to "Jehovah's anointed" (well, at least a representative of them) and rock the boat? Ain't gonna happen unless, as you say, someone wants to quit, or has nothing to lose.

  • designs

    You speak up or speak your mind and your career is over as an Elder, you are red flagged from the local congregation all the way up to the Farm.

    (from personal experience).

  • cantleave

    Ever been in a fight with an arrogant middle manager at work? Unless he's already pissed off the guy above him, its a fight you are going to lose. The CO's are closer to the top, and I'm sure their version of any dispute is what will be believed; at least until they accumulate a sizable record.

    Jeff is bang on the money here.

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